Monday, March 4, 2019

Isometric Equipment That Develops Strength From Many Angles And Used For Suspension

A friend of mine sent me a couple of Isometric Belts that is more of a prototype but still holds awesome benefits. He put out a belt years ago one can use for developing strength from a lot of different angles and positions. The belt then was 14 ft long, this belt now is twice the length.

This belt gives you a greater variety of Isometric Exercises as you can adjust to make 2 loops instead of handles so you can do positions in the curls, deadlift, overhead press, upright rows, Shoulder Raises, resistance for the neck and a lots of other muscles that you can work. If you have a door anchor attachment; you can even use the belt for suspension training such as dips, push-ups, pull-ups, ring work, bodyweight curls, flys and a ton more. Karl Gotch once said "Always work your muscles, from every possible angle" and this piece of equipment can hit the little muscles from angles that bodyweight exercises or weights alone can't hit. This is more of an addition to your training or you can do Isometrics on your off days.

Always eager to learn and see what can benefit me, I've already locked in a number of isometrics for various muscle groups and love the feeling of them after a workout. Done right and they can even work the kinks out of muscles that might be stressful on you. I've had knee problems in the past, an on and off tense lower back and building core strength isn't easy for me but even in the short time of using this belt, I'm moving pretty fast in various movements and feeling lighter on my feet. My back feels less tense, my knees feel strong and my core is getting stronger. Now Isometrics alone won't help you in your athletic endeavors or overall health but they're a phenomenal add on and should be a part of everyone's training program. The belt makes it easier on the joints, it's no impact and you an take it anywhere. Great for traveling and makes a good piece of equipment for stretching.

Check out the pics below to get an idea of this thing. This is more of a review than anything and wanted to share my experience with it.

When it does completely come out, should be a fun use for a lot of people. You never know when it'll happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isometrics is just another tool in a fitness toolbox. Some speak of isometrics with a messianic fervor that really puts off people who would otherwise greatly benefit from the use of iso's.

As for iso's not helping with overall health, in your experience is the Dr. Kiveloff method bupkis?

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