Monday, October 8, 2018

Frustration Can Be A Bitch....So Take Your Frustration Out Productively

We're all human and there's going to be days where you're just so fed up with certain things and frustration that it can lead to something you don't want to be taking on and it's going to hurt you more than just wanting it to go away. I've been known to be very emotional and when i'm frustrated, it's mainly because I have no idea what to do but do my damndest to fix it or figure it out and it just makes it worse. When I get really frustrated, I just want to punch something or break something which I have in the past; windows, doors, walls and even toys so I understand what a person might want to do when that happens.

I have learned to take my frustration out in a different way. I have even made a productive way to take that emotion and put it to use instead of physically harming myself or an object. It was intuition really and it really started when I was frustrated in my relationships and breakups. After dealing with certain patches of a relationship or someone or me decided to leave, I train sometimes with bodyweight or take my sledgehammer (Big Bertha or Mjolnir) and just go at it so hard to either make the pain go away or just put so much focus into it until I couldn't remember what happened earlier (which is ironic since I have a very powerful memory). One time, a girl I really liked didn't think I was worth her time so after a few dates, she didn't want to be around me anymore and I wanted to see where it lead. So I took out the 30 lbs. Thor Hammer & a tire and just pounded on that thing for over 1000 reps just so I couldn't feel the pain anymore. It worked and I moved on with my life.

These days I would do something similar to just get it out because nobody likes being frustrated and it is important to take that emotion and use it in a way where it's more about calming down than just wanting to get rid of it or take away some emotional pain because regardless of what you do unless you take some form of medication where you don't feel a damn thing at all, there's always going to be frustration and emotional pain is what makes us human.

Now I don't just have a hammer to whack a tire to use, I have the Death Star Slamball to pick up and thrust down and I have a Sandbell to slam as well. These things can be used to help get some emotions out in a more productive way even though the very best way is to just walk it off and breathe for a bit because the more you stay focused on it, the more it takes away the life you want to have later, not just in that moment. Not many people can just get up and walk away and take a deep breath, I understand that but at the same time, I don't want anyone doing anything they'll regret like I did and if you have someone in your life you love more than this world, you don't want to end up hurting them in any form. This isn't telling anyone what to do, it's giving them an option of how to take frustration and put it in another perspective. Be safe and don't get too pissed off or frustrated, life has more to offer than that bullshit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice and informative blog.
mind power

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