Monday, October 15, 2018

Develop Muscular Strength And Conditioning With Animal Movements

The practice of moving like a wild animal, provides more than just muscle building and conditioning the body; it amplifies how we use our brain to fire up the neurons and create a surge of powerful functions that will aid in reducing dementia, diabetes and creating blood flow to muscles not normally used. When you crawl and jump, you're putting new levels of strength into the body you didn't know has a greater natural feeling. Lifting weights is awesome, using a machine for bodybuilding and rehab has it's pros and cons but nothing brings out the body's energies like moving in a form of a wild creature.

Just walk on all fours for one minute and see how it feels. It's not as easy as it looks and needing to stabilize your core to keep you balanced and coordinating your hands and feet provides greater brain power to a degree we don't always realize or understand. Conditioning the body in this manner brings on more than just movement, it provides greater condition to the internal organs and strengthening the heart and lungs unlike many other methods. When you move using exercises such as in Animal Kingdom Conditioning and/or Animal Flow, you're moving in directions that aren't typical or straight lined. You're feeding the brain more powerful information and creating shifts, transitions and downright awesomes moves that strengthen the entire body from the inside out.

With enough practice and eating healthy, you can develop a strong physique that isn't full of bloated "Counterfeit" muscle but a physique than go the distance, provide real functional strength and endurance that combined together create "Conditioned" muscle. Plus, it is a lot of fun and you can adjust it to your level and as you get stronger, step by step working towards a more advanced set of moves or exercises that has your body taking on a grander scale to be in the greatest shape of your life. Combine these elements into your other routines and you'll find your level of knowledge and strength to be limitless. Multi-Angular movements mixed with jumping, balancing and unusual strength will feel as if you were a little kid again; having greater energy, having your imagination soar and create any workout you want without it feeling like you're working out, just playing a game.

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Book Of The Day: Psycho Cybernetics

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