Monday, June 4, 2018

What Is Superior And Why So Many Bold Claims

The fitness world has so many giant egos that it is a miracle it stays within the planet but in all fairness, with that many, you're squeezing the life out of everyone else and filling up what you believe is god's gift to the world. Claiming to have the greatest course or having the most top secrets to get extremely strong, very fast and revolutionize the way fitness is done doesn't make you the greatest thing on earth, it just makes you more of an ass trying to make a buck.

There are athletes all over the world that have incredible physiques and have enormous knowledge of what to aquire that makes them the best in their field. The sad truth is, only a fraction of athletes in all sports are the cream of the crop. When it comes to working out; the idea of using techniques, schemes and timing is nothing new. You do not have the best course of all-time, nobody does. What you have is an idea of what others can use to create a better version of themselves. Just about any program can be useful but far less than a few truly work in the capacity of an individual's strive to the best for them. 

You'll hear things like "Get 6 pack abs in only 5 minutes a day", "Giant muscular arms are within your grasp if you practice these techniques", "gain your true genetic potential if you pay $1999.95 for my services", "Have the body of your dreams when you learn my secrets for the price that cost less than your yearly gym membership" and who can ever forget "Click here if you dare to learn the deepest, most in-depth form of exercise that not only transforms your body but gives you knowledge your friends will be astounded by." It all goes back to the snake oil salesman and for that matter even further. People get so caught up in the mystique and broken promises of better health and easier ways to have a body that looked like it was carved from granite. 

Many programs work and it is fact, but not everything is meant for everyone. Trends are always roaming around and every few seconds somebody starts something that ends up being spread out and called onto the masses as the net big thing. Things like crossfit is not meant for everybody no matter how much they put themselves into, certain exercises are not meant for everyone due to either a condition, a deformation, understanding of coordination and structure. Some gyms are not meant for certain people. It comes down to what a person needs that caters to their goals and gives them the opportunity to learn and experiment, if it works than keep using it and adjust accordingly, if not then stop wasting your time trying to make it work and move on. It's ok to not use a program that isn't working for you, the world doesn't stop and it's not your fault. 

When you get sucked into something good, bad, ugly or downright weird, it's very difficult to get out of it. Sometimes we become so enthralled with something that we forget why we're into it in the first place and what it really does or doesn't do for you. I don't rely on one little thing to make everything else seem inferior, I look into things that peak my interest and take bits and pieces of the knowledge I've gained and use to my advantage. Sometimes we do things because it is what everybody else is doing, you want to fit in and be a part of something no matter how ridiculous it is. There are things that I cannot believe people actually pay money for; it isn't about the cost it is more the reasoning and what they brought themselves to actually go through with it. 

There are so many courses and programs all over the net, social media, books, videos, cds, streaming and more that literally claim it is the very best out of everything else. It's like a little kid watching a cartoon that seems innocent but have little things go way over their heads the kid doesn't see it or hear, it's the same thing with fitness courses. Some have different points of view and exercises catered to a specific demographic but when you water it down and dig deeper, everything has a similarity somewhere even down to the smallest fraction of movement or hold. No matter how many weightlifting courses you buy, most of the time you'll see the same exact exercises just tweaked to a more subtle way to what the course is programmed into. Same thing with bodyweight exercises; many variations of push-ups, squats, ab work and movements that blend together to form a version of what a course teaches and programs the individual reading and applying. There's always going to something that's creative but yet very little have been known to be CREATIVE. 

This doesn't mean you shouldn't learn anything. Find what is useful and gives you a purpose of what brings you to your goals no matter how small or big because we all have goals and the one thing that makes us similar is that there's always an end whether when it starts, stops in the middle or reaches the end. Don't fall for the bold claims people put out there, research and find what can help you to tackle things for your life. Don't always look at the mythical tales or epic tales of what something someone claimed to use that "worked", look for the idea of what it can do for you. There's always going to be some huge story about something and how a person goes from weak to strong within a period of time and you'll see many times over "I've tried everything else and this was the one thing that worked", it worked for them and there's no such of "trying everything" because in reality, they've only tried what was to their knowledge. 

Superiority is more ego than anything else. Don't find what is "SUPERIOR", find what gives you the greatest benefit in what works and get rid of what doesn't because what doesn't work for you doesn't meant it won't work for somebody else. It's a tradeoff and like the old saying goes "Another man's junk is another man's treasure." 

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