Thursday, May 31, 2018

Moving Like An Animal In The Morning

As long as I can remember, I've never really been a morning person. Was never the kind of average guy that gets up, has a cup of coffee and than drive off to a dead end job; first of all I hate coffee and rather jump an awesome cup of Spark mixed with Rehydrate and I just never could live in a dead end job and wanted to be happy, make money that made feel worthy and really accomplished. For most people, waking up sucks and you never feel like you got enough sleep and you're not always fond of the people you have to see everyday. What if you switched gears with your mindset and found a way to wake up with gusto and ready to tackle the day. It has been said that within the first hour of your day, its going to make or break the rest of it.

First off, how you bring out yourself starts in your mind and what you feel starts with your heart. Nobody wants to wake up miserable and feeling like crap, that always spells disaster unless some miracle happens and you magically become this overbearing sweet person. Plus you never want to start your day dull, tedious and downright boring as hell. Doing the same routine and feeling close to the same way all the damn time. I'd say switch things up a bit and move like an animal in the morning. You don't have to start out being all giddy and busting with life, just move for 30 seconds and build from there. Add 10 seconds each morning until you're doing a full minute or more of movement. Stretching everything out, waking up the lungs and having some fun little by little before work.

When you move like a wild animal, you're opening up the energy in your body, creating endorphins and developing a strong brain as you shift your arms and legs in various directions. You don't even need to start out with an advanced movement, just do what you can do for 30 seconds and build it up from there. As you get stronger, make it more interesting. When you release endorphins, you're unleashing that happiness trigger in the brain and opening up channels in the body that releases that feeling good mechanism.

Be a bear, duck, crab, rabbit, gorilla or whatever other animal you want to be. Do more than one, it is up to you. Start moving and than start getting ready for work and see how much better you'll feel.

Get the book Animal Workouts for great ideas and workouts you can do to spice your day first thing or even later in the day.

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