Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Animal Moves Develop Muscles At Awkward Angles

The world of fitness is a mighty big place; you have your plethora of exercises, programs, supplements, equipment and workouts galore. Many of the programs today don't have any real emphasis of the full muscular structure starting from the inside, it is always what you can build on the outside. That's why you see many people do exercises based on bodybuilding more than real function. I'm not knocking bodybuilding in general, if that's what you want to do than by all means but it is important on what information you learn about.

The old school style of bodybuilding isn't really on piecing the body like a puzzle, it is to structure the whole body as if it was a single unit using multiple muscles in a single exercise and working the tendons and ligaments along with muscle training. The simplicity is to use as basic form of exercise as possible without relying on the isolated machines people use. We're talking about Presses, Pulls, Squats, Grip Work & Ab Training. These in turn build realistic muscular power and strength along with agility but that isn't always enough.

Many of the single best equipment for old school training has you doing up and down movements, if you were to focus more of the tendons you would do partials at specific positions of a movement or you hold the exercise in a static (non-moving) position. If you want to add this type of training that is more functional, lookup Bud Jeffries, Brooks Kubik, John Grimek, Otto Arco, Maxick, John Davis and others of that caliber. 

Up and down movement are phenomenal in their own right along with using the most basic tools and little to no machines (Rehab & Isolated Bodybuilding are the only reasons they're good for) but to get the most out of the functioning of the muscles along with the bone structure this is where nature thrives. Animal Exercises do not isolate the muscles as they work you from multiple positions and angles.

The awkward positions like say in a crab walk or a lizard crawl, build strength in a unique way as oppose to singular type movements in weightlifting or machines. When you move around like an animal, you're forced to use the whole body and twist, turn and generate power in the joints rather than just going up and down. If you already lift weights, I would suggest get Fat Gripz as they force the muscle fibers to fire regardless of the exercise and due to gripping hard enough to move, you're generating greater strength and growth to the muscles. Add animal moves to the mix and your strength will have limitless potential. Other bodyweight exercises are great but they can't compare to the animals.

Get the most out of your training using methods that are simple yet can kick your ass. Don't see yourself as pieces of a puzzle, look at the bigger picture and utilize training that encompasses the full potential of your body not just in the muscles but the tendons, ligaments, joints, organs and overall bone structure. 

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