Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Animal Exercise & The Connection To Our Brains

As infants, there is natural order in the world, we cry, we're hungry and we laugh but more than that, we have natural progressions from crawling to standing to walking bipedally. As we get older, our natural order of things start to become unnatural; we sit too much, we don't crawl as much, we don't stand very long unless it's in a line at a bank, mcdienolds, burger queen or supermarket and even, it doesn't feel really natural. The brain becomes accustomed to the surroundings and have that mentality of "Monkey see, Monkey do." We stop being our natural selves and buck up for society's sake and trade our natural movement for desk jobs, driving people around and other sorts of unnatural tendencies.

We even have forgotten our true nature of exercise and replaced it with metal machines and isolating the body to make it look pretty. We have lost the ability to understand ourselves individually and become a part of the pecking order of doing trends and following orders. We have forgotten our universal spirit of the SELF.

A major reason I have built a level of specializing in Animal Exercise is not just to learn a movement and mimic something wild in the jungle; it is to understand the natural connection to ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. Add in some spiritual connection but not through religious entities but through the universal element of the soul. Going beyond just the movement, it is recreating the natural order of the human body and sustaining lifelong health, strength (not just physically), agility and other attributes that constitute what was already within and bringing it out.

The connection to our brains as we move and hold within the mechanics of the animal moves opens up new neurons in the tissue and revitalizing the electrical stimuli in the spine, muscles, tendons and ligaments that protect our body. Animal Exercise may not turn you into an Einstein or an Issac Newton but with consistency and controlling the movements whether slow or fast, your intelligence can increase overtime and jumpstart the hormones in the body like when you were a kid. It has been proven that exercise can have an impact on the brain and help generate great power for motor skills, coordination and spatial awareness.

Think about it, in order to move like a bear, crab, ape, bird or reptile, you're forcing the brain to send impulses to the muscles needed in order to move in those positions. You are naturally sending the nerves into overdrive and provide the electricity in the spine in order to hit step by step, move for move and even hold for hold. You are recreating the natural order of the earth and strengthening your body from the inside out starting from the brain to the spine, to the organs, to the muscles and to the nerves.

Children beyond more than benefit from learning this type of training and it's not just for the sake of exercise, it is creating an exciting, stimulating and active form of development. Think what it would do to your kid if you had them do just 5 minutes a day to get going doing Animal Exercises, what they can do for their brains, the development of their motor skills, their imaginations and the ability to strengthen their minds where intelligence can be enhanced? Now this doesn't mean you force it on them, that can easily push them away but instead, make it a game, let them naturally find their stride and help them move like a wild animal. It is a great way to make friends, be interactive, play and harness their natural abilities to be on the path for whatever they go for in life. Adults can benefit from this as well but it is important to not be analytical and progressively let things flow and do what you are capable of and build from there.

Get that brain stimulated and unleash your Animality.

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