Showing posts with label Methods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Methods. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2022

Are Certain Training Styles Replaceable?

 As we continue on our journey of discovery, some things may get lost along the way, we change things up and we may replace something and exchange it for something else but what is really replaceable? We hear or read someone say "you can do implements but they can't replace bodyweight exercises" or something vise versa. You can say whatever and still say nothing will replace this or that, why even care what could or can't be replaced?

No one method is vastly superior than the other however; some are questionable, others are essential and plenty are out there that just seem ridiculous but in the end, it all boils down to what benefits you and helps you stay healthy and strong in the long run. We live in an age where countless fitness programs, nutrition and equipment are at our fingertips but at the same time, we are overwhelmed and frustrated with what works and how to apply it to our lives when one person says one thing but another says something else and shoves his "expertise" down your throat. Hell, even people who will say they're stuff is the very best and no one else comes close to what they have or can provide....Bullshit, that's the best word to describe those types of people.

When it comes to training, you can't use a word like replaceable as if its like your favorite book got torn to shreds and have to replace another. Certain things have more value than just as an object. There are certain things you just can't replace no matter how hard we may try. The word replaceable is merely about materialistic things but it can also mean switching things out for another in order for something to work. When it comes to fitness, why replace something that works for you? Unless you're doing the same damn thing and expecting something different, doing what works is truly irreplaceable.

It's one thing to switch things out, it's another to take something all together and exchange it for something else entirely. Sometimes we do need to switch things up in order to grow but also at times we need to learn something new in order to understand how it works or doesn't work. If it works, you can make it successful for yourself, if it doesn't it's not meant to be. When I do my own training, I back away from certain exercises, programs and such and go other routes because I hate the idea of being stuck in a rut and just focused too much of the same things. It's like watching your favorite movie or reading your favorite book, you can't just watch or read the same thing over and over and expect a different thing to come along; you branch out, learn other genres, you can always go back to your favorites but it's also important to explore the possibilities of what could be great for you to watch or read that you can grow to love. You don't replace what's already there, you compromise what you have with what you learn from other things.

My favorite form of exercise is bodyweight exercises as you've read or heard from me in the past but that doesn't mean it's the only way or it's superior to other forms of training. There are methods and exercises that hit muscles bodyweight exercise can't touch, there's also more interesting exercises than just push-ups, squats, pull-ups and sit-ups. You find the value in what gives you the greatest benefit. Nobody should tell you what's replaceable and what's vastly superior according to Pseudo-Analysis or what method statistically generates greater strength and health. You decide what works for you.

Nobody can tell you what made you successful. It's important to be shown the basics and then you can figure out what works best for you. I can show you the resources that constitute a foundation, but I can't build your skyscraper, mansion, yacht or cabin for that matter. Some will try to sell you the idea that they can build you monuments when in reality they only build you shacks. You get to pick and choose how you build your fitness success, we just give you the tools. 

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season and making the most with the people in your life. Be safe, stay strong and keep being amazingly awesome.

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Friday, September 23, 2022

The Twilight Of Fitness Fanatics

In fitness, there's always going to be critics, cynics, "experts" and some downright dumb motherfuckers that will tell you what's the best, what's the worst, how you should do things according to certain statistics and trends are crap and this and that. Where do you go to get the best really? What makes them the actual experts?

Sometimes I wonder if some of these fanatics or at times "extremists" have ever realized they're leading people on the Twilight effect: Are they team Jacob or team Edward (Weights vs. Bodyweight, Rubber Cables vs. Machines, Crossfit vs. Bodybuilding). Where does it end? The truth is, there's only so much someone can tell you before you make a decision for yourself. Will you be the wolf or the vampire for the title of "King of the Monster." 

We follow sometimes the old school ways of doing things and/or we try to keep up with the times and not try to get overwhelmed by the fast pacing world we live in. Some just prefer old school because that's how they grew up and what they knew best. Some of the old school ways weren't that great and sure as hell some of it should not be a part of today's world but there are lessons in them that we can learn in our world today. Keeping up with the times can be a royal pain in the ass and focusing on too many things especially with the crap we see, hear and talk about, it could put us in the nuthouse (if it hasn't already for some).

When it comes to fitness, being objective can be a bitch but we only know what we know and understand by trial and error. However; there are are those out there who only know a certain method but have no clue what other methods are about and yet try to convince people how terrible they are when they themselves never did them. When you start to look at things objectively and seeing both sides of the coin, you'll realize that it's not always Black and White (again Team Jacob or Team Edward) and both sides have their strong and weak points. The fact is, both sides of the coin have strong points you can take and mold them to create a stronger version of yourself. 

Throughout these last 17 years of training every single day, you know that my love is always bodyweight but yet will do things that suit the strong points of different styles to create a variety for myself. I don't preach one specific method and shun everything else, that's not what life's about. My approach is helping others find the best of whatever they want to do and focus on finding the best resources so they can achieve their goals, the same way I do for myself. Constantly finding exciting things to do to get better, changing things up to stay interested and enthusiastic. I'm not a team Jacob or team Edward (I'm more of the Blade, Underworld & Lost Boys variety LOL) yet both have their strong points. 

There is no one way to do things, you move, you lift, you carry, you transition, you build muscle and whatever, they all are part of a path that leads to somewhere. One method will never 100% cut it. If it did, where does that leave anything else for someone? Choose what you love and stick with it but don't be afraid to test out new things and doing so without going to extremes and getting hurt along the way. Be strong, be safe and be amazingly awesome. 

Heads Up: Big Sale going on at Lost Empire Herbs where you can get an awesome 20% Discount on your order. Discount Code at Checkout is FALL2022.

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