Monday, March 11, 2024

Results As Of March 2024

At the moment, I'm keeping my weight steadily between 245-250 these days (Sitting at 246 as of this morning). The big methods of training I'm doing currently are mainly Step Ups & working the Dopamineo Band doing circuit training some days and others doing HIIT Style Workouts of a 30/30 set up or 30/15 depending on what I'm feeling that day. On the Circuits, I would do 5-6 exercises of 10-20 reps per exercise, the only rest is marking off the circuit and timing the workouts on average of 15-30 minutes for 10 rounds. Sometimes 10 Rounds ends a bit shorter than that like around 10-12 minutes and even went as far as 15 Rounds one workout that took a little over 25 minutes, scratch that, just under 20 min. For the HIIT Workouts, I would pick around 3-5 exercises, go through them and repeat until I've covered the exercises at least 4 times, this comes out to about 12-15 minutes a session and I don't take 1-2 minute breaks, I just keep going so I can maintain my conditioning and muscular endurance.

It's all part of the process of staying fit and conditioned for 40 and beyond. Some things may change in due time but right now, I'm keeping things as simple as possible. The snow is melting and spring is just itching to come out. Once it gets a bit warmer, I'll be out playing, hiking, working with the hammer, maybe hit the lake more often and just stay healthy. The only big things of strength training I do is either Isometrics, working with Sandbells or maybe some farmer's walks with a heavy kettlebell but overall, for me it's not to see where my max strength is or go for miles until I collapse. Staying healthy and having strong and durable joints is the name of the game. 

I've seen too many horror stories of people in my age group getting injured and having surgeries left and right along with some of the death rates in the Fitness Industry below the age of 40 and under the age of 45. It has become too common and it's not worth sacrificing your body so you can't do anything later in life. Some people have become so hardcore that before their golden years, they're losing mobility and strength that can be useful. Some coaches even push their athletes and clients so hard that injuries might as well be a badge of honor and they're not contemplating the consequences. I'm all for creating challenges and seeing what's possible but at the same time, it's important to not be seduced by such crazy workouts on a frequent basis or feel like if you don't go nuts, the results won't come. It's bullshit. 

We aren't always able to do crazy shit when we were younger so it's important to train smart and with intention. Do what is possible to maintain our strength but the biggest goal is to keep a level of fitness that keeps us going and be able to do things the majority would have trouble with. Don't let age define you but also don't let stupidity get the best of you. Life doesn't end after a certain age, it just creates different opportunities and to do things that keep you from aging quicker. 

Be smart, be mindful and make your training count for when life throws you curveballs or having the ability to use your energy to spend time with the people you love. Playing with young nieces/nephews, your kids, grandkids, younger cousins and even be able to do activities with your spouse. Train to make life worthwhile, not to be crippled up and not be able to do a damn thing. Be amazingly awesome. 

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