Monday, February 19, 2024

Training At Home Vs. Training In A Gym

 Both have their qualities for helping others gain their health in fitness and well-being but yet they also have distinctive entities that differ them away from each other. With home workouts, depending on your set up or you just do bodyweight exercises, in my opinion, you have a lot more freedom than you would at a commercial gym. You get to pick and choose what you want without having to wait for anybody and you can pick your own music to listen to. You know the environment better, you're saving money on gas and let's face it, a lot of idiots on the road. 

You don't have to interact with anyone and you can be in your own fortress of solitude. Letting out some aggression and focusing on yourself in a therapeutic way. Home gyms have perks that regular gyms can never have. You get to do things your way and utilize your time for what you want to do.

Training at a gym has its perks too but it also has its downsides. The perks is that you get to get out of the house and go to a place where you can utilize and use equipment that would normally cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars to try and set up at home. You may make a friend or a workout buddy whether it be man or woman and help encourage each other and make progress you may not be able to do on your own. Sometimes it's good to have somebody. It's a sanctuary where you see people from all walks of life from world-class athletes to weekend warriors and those who are just starting out and making changes in their life. 

The downsides may sometimes be bleak or just annoyance but it can sometimes be a pain in the ass. You have to deal with people on the road to get there, often having to wait on the next person for the machine or free weight you want to use. Time is wasted when you're trying to train but not knowing if someone will snatch up your area because their impatient as fuck. The music isn't always that good and you're trying to use headphones with your own playlist to tune out the building's acoustics, trying to be respectful while some numbnuts is texting or taking the call right in the middle of what you're trying to do. Equipment isn't always clean and some guys get too distracted from checking out the wanna be model's ass on the treadmill or while she does squats. Don't get me wrong, there are attractive and strikingly awe inspiring people there but if you're easily distracted, you need to figure out how to tackle the mindset that you're there for a purpose and not to creep on others. 

Very few gyms these days have a camaraderie where like minded people get together and train together. Most of the time now, people just keep to themselves while at times feel the need to walk up to someone as if to just casually get into a conversation. The atmosphere can vary and it's very climate controlled so others can feel comfortable as they train. I guess most of the downsides are the people really and realizing that most gyms are very shiny and have a Hollywood feel to them in the way where there are people who are just ignorant pricks and act all high and mighty cause they can do a few reps more with a machine that gives you the legs or the arms of a wanna-be athlete. 

I'll go to the gym with my wife on a shopping day every now and then and either help her out with form on certain exercises to get the best benefit for what her goals are but mostly we do our own thing and I'll bring my Fat Gripz with me and put them on the handles of a machine or dumbbell to add some zest to the exercise I'm working. For me, there's no such thing as isolating a muscle, when I train regardless of equipment, I want to work as many muscles as possible and not just a specific body part. When I do pulldowns or chindowns, I want to feel my core, my back, my hands, all the muscles in my upper body. When I work dumbbells and do presses, curls, squats or farmer's walks I want to feel it all as much as possible. I train there to the degree where I make people think twice about coming to talk to me. I don't interact with anyone, I don't text or play on my phone, I walk along the area I'm working on thinking about the next set as I rest. I'm in that zone. That's my way of training.

Training in a gym can be fun as you challenge yourself to see what's possible for certain exercises. Because of the Fat Gripz, I make exercises harder, not easier and only rest long enough to be ready for the next set which ranges from 30 seconds to a couple minutes. The gym for me is more of a strength based kind of day and a "rest day" for me cause I just work certain things, take a break and go again until its time to go. I never do anything to failure, just enough to where I'm good to go and still have something left in the tank. Never get sore or do things sloppy. 

I love training at home because once I get something in whether for a few minutes or almost an hour, I can jump into the shower within seconds, chill out, watch a movie, do some promoting and writing and make some food right there like a good Steak and Eggs or some wings and fries. Its good to relax after a workout and know you have whatever you need within feet of you.  

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