Monday, January 8, 2024

Is It Really That Important To Piss People Off?

 The world can be a shitty place, depending on where you are and who you interact with. There's also that other side of the coin where the world has its wonders, beauty, great people and seeing amazing things. The problem with some in society is that they have this need to piss people off in order to get their satisfaction. It almost is or has become an addiction for them, getting a mental high on just shitting on others especially those you never see yourself hanging around with. 

I mean come on, is it really that important to call others out on a frequent basis in order to prove a point? What's the end game? Where does it truly lead to? Not peace or happiness that's for sure. Many of us have our moments of frustration and disproval of others around us or in society in general but is it possible you get your rocks off on hurting others especially when it comes to someone's race, sexuality, their lives in general or if they workout or not in order to hide your insecurities? Cause if you are, you're not doing that well of a job bro.

Some guys have this need to rant on things that really have nothing to do with them and utilize derogatory terms to showcase their anger or frustration. We know the world isn't perfect and there are people out there who have an agenda the general population can't fathom, but seriously? I see it all the time on social media that it makes you wonder what the hell is going on in someone's head to not only blurt out the dumbest shit but to intentionally make others feel worthless just because they're overweight, struggle with their life or even try to make themselves better. They throw things like "your ancestors would be disappointed" in people's faces or "you're fat because it's your choice", hell even as to call out young teenage boys as pussies because they can't do a certain number of push-ups, what the hell is wrong with you?

Do these people want to watch the world burn? Or do they just want to trample on the weak so they can feel better about themselves? I believe it might be a bit of both or even more of the latter. There's free speech which even in this day and age can be debatable but at the same time, how do people not understand the true nature of the consequences of using that free speech? It boggles my fucking mind sometimes. Not everyone is going to agree on things and many will be successful while others fail but that's the nature of the beast, it's life. Even when we succeed, we've failed at certain points in time but made things happen along the journey to be successful. I do wish all of us would get along but that's in reality a pipe dream cause there are things in this world and people that aren't meant for us. Some go to extremes and literally kill to satisfy urges that never truly end (Bundy, Gacy, Ramirez anyone?). 

When you rant on a frequent basis in anger or just to make some of your audience happy, there's a line at some point if it hasn't been crossed yet that you may not come back from and all you have is frustration, an urge to hurt someone's mental health or an endless craving to challenge people's boiling points. You let insecurities take over and try to prove to others that you're this tough guy who can say whatever the fuck he wants and screw anybody who disagrees. Bragging about how many kids you have from several women or throwing how long you haven't had a drink in someone's face when they're working very hard to not do it themselves doesn't make you special or tough, it makes you insecure, sound narcissistic and don't have a clue what real sympathy or empathy is. Someone like that needs some serious soul searching and most likely therapy. You can be the hardest working guy and protect and provide for your family and all that which is admirable in most cases but if you treat others like shit or have this need to control others to secure your "legacy" or even to manipulate, that's not a real man, that's an asshole with a god complex. Be better bro, you owe it to yourself and others around you.

Does the world or the people in it need an enema sometimes to wake up? quite possibly. Pissing people off to satisfy your anger issues doesn't do anyone any good. We can all find some improvement in ourselves, some way more than others and stop treating each other like we're at war. None of us are going to be around forever, it's important to live without killing each other over things that don't actually effect us.   

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