Thursday, June 9, 2022

Fat Burning Methods That Doesn't Always Include Sprinting

Although Sprint Training (Especially Hill Sprints) is the fastest method possible to burn off fat and build lean muscle mass, sprints may not always be an option and when you need ideas you can use what could you do? For the most part, it's really how fast you move during certain exercises or using greater explosiveness to really hit that heart rate up quick that feels like you're huffing and puffing in a matter of seconds to a minute. You can do swim sprints, you can do explosive kettlebell work, bodyweight exercises or weights. It's a matter of how fast can you get out of breath.

If you're not ready to do Sprints yet but want to add something to your walking; do a brisk pace and than for 10-30 seconds, powerwalk as fast as you can and than slow down and repeat. This can be done around a neighborhood or at a park/field. On those days where the weather is crappy or it's so windy it feels like a hurricane is roaming, you can do some indoor training like the workouts Darebee provides. These are really more of a 1-2x a week type of workout and they can be extremely tough so work with what you can. Some are pretty easy but others could take down very conditioned people so recovery is a big thing to utilize when it comes to these workouts. Just pick one for the day and do the best levels you can. They can range from 3 minutes to 35 minutes and if you need a longer rest between circuits, take it.

Burpees are a hell of a workout you can do just about anywhere and they can turn you into a fitness machine. I would say they're the closest to a method of a fat burning method next to Sprint Training. They're quick, explosive, get your out of breath fast and generate a killer level of natural HGH. A great routine that can be done in a total of 16 minutes is doing Burpees for 30 seconds as many as you can (without flopping around and using good form as much as possible) and resting for 90 seconds. 8 Rounds of this 30/90 protocol is all you'll do. You can do this with other exercises like Push-ups or Squats but Burpees will do the best job. 

If you can't sprint up hills yet, just walk them up and down, they're a hell of a start for a beginner. Just do a few up and downs and you'll be huffing and puffing in no time. When I would go for a hike, I would wear my weight vest and just go for about an hour or so. Lost a good few pounds doing that. Doing this 3x a week is more than enough. Weighted walking has a lot of benefits and has similar calorie burning effects as a run. You can also rope skip for ten minutes a day (they've been studied to be the equivalent to a 30 min run) 

Work with what you can do but nothing will kick your ass more than a solid set of Hill Sprints for 10-15 seconds a shot. These are ideas if you're not into Sprinting yet and just want to try something that doesn't require running. When you do get the opportunity to do Hill Sprints, make the most of them and imagine becoming a fat burning mega star like NFL Legends Walter Payton, Jerry Rice, Mike Singletary, Ladanian Tomlinson & Marcus Allen. Feel as if you can eat like the Flash and burn it off fast like nobody's business. You'd be able to burn calories hours after a workout (studies call this the Afterburn Effect) and change your body composition within a few workouts. 

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