Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Do You Have A Minute To Talk About.....

 At some point in our lives, especially in the U.S, we have had that knock on the door and we would answer with someone on the other end saying "Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior?" or something about Jehovah? I'm not against anyone who practices religion (unless it's to spout harmful acts or throw in guilt to get you to listen or convert) but there comes a time for some to practice the "Nancy Reagan Method" of just say NO!!!

Sometimes a minute can feel like an eternity but it also at times can go by very fast and we don't even know what hit us. For many, 60 seconds can be a life changing moment whether good or bad yet it also can be just a blip that doesn't mean anything but that minute always have something, even if we don't always know it.

When it comes to exercise, many don't always realize how a single minute can alter an entire session or become so intense, it's all you'll do the rest of the day. Think about it, running on a treadmill may not feel like much after a minute but what if you did a full minute of burpees, bear crawls, push-ups or holding a wall sit? Many in the world could not do a full minute of any of those. How about creating sets that lead up to a minute like say 6 sets of 10 sec sprints? Pro Athletes at times would only do that during certain training days and they're spent afterwards and for good reason. 

One minute whether you're a beginner or a seasoned expert can change the way you look at things from another perspective. Today, I so far did a mini workout of just Bear Crawling for 1 minute and felt really good, I felt a little more alert, the brain fog evaporated and felt looser, all that in a single minute. Some workouts take an hour to really feel something but one minute had many benefits already in place.

Never underestimate the power of what one minute can do for you. Your entire life can change, your future can be altered to a much greater path and when you exercise, one minute can put you on the path to greater health, strength, flexibility and more. 


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