Friday, February 12, 2021

Can One Exercise Truly Make A Difference?

One of the biggest debates in fitness is, what is the number 1 exercise that truly is king? The facts are, there isn't one, no matter how much we debate. Many exercises develop great attributes that build a powerful physique or give someone great strength even at a small size. Some exercises help build muscle more than others, lose weight or drop fat faster than others but not one exercises is end all-be-all.

Everyone is different and while one specific exercise works like a charm for one person could injure or over/under develop another. It boils down to what gives that person the most benefit and brings them success because if you're successful with one program/exercise, why would you change it? Yes sometimes we have to mix things up but as long as we remain simplistic and sticking with the basics, things work out great. 

Sprint Training can be considered a high ranking form of exercise since you don't have to do a whole lot and you're resting far more than actually working out. The idea is to run hard for a few seconds and rest sometimes for several minutes. The endgame for this kind of training is to burn fat at an alarming rate and build muscle much quicker than standard cardio. It builds stronger lungs, increases muscle mass and burns calories even after a workout so weight loss is speeded up as well along with your metabolism. This is facts but not everyone has the metabolism of an Olympic Sprinter or a NFL Running Back (look up the training regimens of Walter Payton and Marcus Allen) so we need to progress according to our body's capabilities and needs of recovery. 

Some people have called Burpees the king of all exercises but is it really? I mean after all, what variation of the Burpee are we talking about here? There's so many variations how do we know which one that wears the crown? In order to truly understand how the body works with that type of training, you can't just watch it and expect to know it, you have to experiment with it and get a feel with experiencing the movements. The problem is, very few people actually know how a Burpee works or at least some variations because there are a lot of STUPID people out there who don't have a clue on how to apply it but go to such extremes as to look like they're flopping all over the place after several reps. Learn the proper mechanics and experiment with it while being safe and smart about it.

So does one exercise really wear the crown as the king or in a way the god of exercises? Truth is, no, it doesn't but that doesn't mean it can't work for you. If you enjoy it and it helps you with being healthy and fit, than what's the big issue? Make certain exercises work for you and develop your body with them. You have the power to have the ultimate fitness program that is catered to you and only you. If others want to join in, let's see what they got but don't force it on anyone and teach them how to work them to their body's abilities and benefits. 

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