There's always been a debate in fitness on when is it the best time to train? Many say that the morning is the best time because you're waking the body up and getting fresh oxygen into the system. I can agree to that to a degree. I do believe that you'd want to get in some good exercise as soon as you get up whether you have 20 minutes or 1 minute, just getting in some good deep breathing can work wonders.
It's really more of an individual thing, some people perform exercises better later in the day like on a break at work and if you're a laborer, you're practically exercising all day long. What about at night though? After getting home from work, having dinner, watch a couple of episodes of something and get yourself to bed or getting the kids to bed, would a workout be good then too? Now you may be thinking working out before bed might be contradictory because you're putting in energy that might disrupt your sleep. The truth is, it could help with some excess energy you might have and getting in some late night endorphins to get the body to calm down. Depending on the intensity, it could also help with burning calories throughout the night and induce more natural growth hormone and burn off fat and build muscle faster.
I can't speak for everyone who has done this but from my experiences and from doing an exercise recently, a good workout at night an hour or 2 before bed can help tackle unnecessary energy and after huffing and puffing for a little bit, that an help get that energy out and sleep hard. One of the exercises I've done lately to get excess energy out is Burpees or a variation called the Hindu Burpee (a combo of the hindu push-up & hindu squat) and so far, it knocks my ass out once I climb into bed. I've been known to be a night owl sometimes staying up until 1-2 o'clock in the morning but experimenting with this exercise between 10-1130 (depending on my mood and the amount of time to let dinner settle) has made some pretty good results with being able to fall asleep earlier.
I would knock out a set of Hindu Burpees, rest to catch my breath and repeat the exercise continuing this cycle until I've done enough or just ready to stop. Some nights i'll do 5x5, 6x8, 8x5 or do as many as 10 in a set and see how many sets I can do before I've had enough. My body responds better to this exercise than just regular Hindu Push-ups and Squats and puts me in a state of a high that feels incredible and my body can rest easier. This is a great way to burn calories at a greater rate throughout the night and if you take a cold shower after doing this exercise, you're burning even more calories. This doesn't mean it's for everyone so if it doesn't work for you, don't force it, find some other exercises to do to get that excess energy out. For a period, I was doing animal exercises at night and that helped as well.
So is it good to exercise at night before bed? I believe it is but experiment and see what it does for you, if you're more of an afternoon person, go for it, if you're a morning person, doing a couple sets of this exercise can do wonders with burning fat and increasing your metabolism throughout the day. Make it work for you?
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