Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Stronger Lower Arms To Kill Tendonitis


During my high school days, my biggest form of exercise was weightlifting during P.E between my sophomore year to my senior year. I didn't know very much on how to stay limber and supple, I was stiff as a board most of the time and as an athlete, none of it really mounted to much. For two years I did Shot Put and Discus, mainly to carry on the tradition of my father because that's what he did. I never got as good as he did and because of my lack of discipline and not caring as much about my health at the time, I developed injuries in my shoulders and mainly my lower arms from the elbows to the wrists that also developed tendonitis and joint problems.

It wasn't until I discovered Combat Conditioning that I needed to really fix a lot of areas in my body. Even during my gym days, I had bad knees, woke up so stiff everything hurt as I moved and very little core strength let alone any real strength that lasted. Later on I found out about the Primate Power Super Strength System and wanted to try something new. I did get stronger and became far more limber than I ever did as a teenager but the fun really began when I learned how to move like a Primate or in this case Apes and Monkeys. 

The hanging exercises were just awesome on my elbows and shoulders and although I completely killed my tendonitis, something just needed that extra oomph to really tackle the problems I had when I was younger. I was determined to have the strongest lower arms not just by muscles but also making my tendons and ligaments incredibly powerful especially since I was also into Bending Steel. Moving like an Ape really opened my eyes to what could be an exciting adventure into full on animal movements. Walking/Jumping with the weight on my knuckles, hanging for a good period of time and making my fingers feel like solid bones, Primate Power gave me the strength and conditioning I truly craved for. 

Because of this course, it made my fall in love with Animal Exercises, challenged me in the most fun ways and made me stronger in my strongman feats and in Gymnastics. For nearly a year I did gymnastics at my local college and was the biggest guy in the class outweighing the next guy at 30-40 pounds (I was around 210 at that this time) and could hang pretty well at the horizontal bar and could do a good amount of pullups and dips on the rings. I wasn't any near as athletic or graceful as the other students but they knew what kind of strength I had. 

To this day, I've never had a severe injury to my lower arms. If I ever did get hurt, it didn't last long and healed pretty quickly and could Arm Wrestle with some strong guys. It's not just about developing strength to do good feats, it could also help when you're saving someone's life or your own. If you're in a fight and have strong tendons in your hands and wrists, you have a little advantage and have some good knockout power. If you're a wrestler, you can develop some serious gripping strength and your opponent will feel it, put them in a submission hold and they'll scream for mercy before either tapping or passing out. 

Get your hands on Primate Power and harness the power and might of the Ferocious Ape/Monkey. 

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