Tuesday, June 9, 2020

One Body Part A Day Isometrics

Been focusing a lot on Isometrics lately, particularly doing one body part a day from the Neck down. I took ideas from Batman O'Brien's Perfect Body Course and mixed in exercises using both Free Hand and the Isometric Power Belt. I'm already well into my second time around the exercises, hitting shoulders and arms today. Tomorrow is Legs.

Always experimenting with something since I'm not the best at sticking to a routine, but my intention is to cycle around the parts of the body at least 4 times. I'm already nearly half way there so this should be interesting. So far, I like how it's going. Mainly, I love how the workouts don't take very long and I can purely focus on the areas of the body one at a time instead of trying to do so many in one workout. It's all well and good to do multiple body parts but it can also be very draining and Isometrics are crazy enough as it is. 

After you focus on particular body part, you can go after other exercises in your arsenal the rest of the day and work on other areas. At times i'll do animal movements, do a quick workout while filming, go for a walk with my weight vest on, play around with CoreForce Energy Techniques, do some circuit training, mace play, play with the Indian Clubs, whatever tends to pop up into my head. So far my favorite body parts to train are my neck and back. I'm seeing definition and thickness from both areas and that makes me happy. Great seeing results from other areas and I'll take photos when I'm done with my version of the program but I've always seemed to form better results from the neck and back. When I do the back, I use the Belt for those doing the deadlift, upright row, lat pulldown and seated row and then finish off with the 3 minute wrestler's bridge. 

I have been gearing back towards bridging again to get some stretching, strengthening my neck and experimenting with both flat footed and heel up Back Bridges. Because of the rod in my left shin along with the scarring, I have to be careful to not aggrivate that area because it does cause serious discomfort that I don't wish on anybody. I don't have very good flexibility in my ankles anymore so when I do the Back Bridge, I literally can't flatten my feet after a certain point that others can otherwise I'm risking pain and feeling that metal pressing against my skin. Although I can Bridge feet flat for 3 minutes whenever I want, having the heels up seems to take more of the edge off on my shin and ankle and hits more of the thighs and calves and I can get a way better stretch while also bringing the heels closer to my head without discomfort or pain. Don't do things that cause pain, trust me, it's too muh of a bitch to handle for so long.

I'm doing this experiment mainly just to see what it's like to focus on one thing at a time and putting my energy into an area of the body where I don't feel the need to focus on anything else and go with the straight line of just hitting that muscle group. It's a good experiment and if it's something you want to continue to persue, do so, if you're more of working multiple muscle groups, that's awesome. Do what makes you happy and gives you results. If you're not getting the results you crave, change things up, try different things and focus on getting better. Progression is the key. There's so many things you can do with Isometrics and it can make you stronger and help drop unwanted bodyfat. Keep at it and train with intention, not for the sake of just exercising. 

1 comment:

Carl Hendrix said...

Great to read your into Isometrics. One of the best ways to train. Keep it the good work Ben.

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