Friday, June 26, 2020

Indian Clubs And Rope Skipping

Getting the body to wake up or getting out of a funk from being groggy can be a difficult task for many, especially those who have to be at work in the morning rushing out the door and sometimes forgetting your pants. Some take a nap and wake up still feeling like their energy is depleted. I'm not a morning person and had plenty of times where I napped and still felt tired and unmotivated.

Exercise can be a hell of a wake up and often times, better than a cup of coffee because you're releasing tension and opening up the body from the inside, creating energy and getting those endorphins in. With coffee, people drink it to get the caffeine and give their body that jolt of adrenaline and even help eliminate some waste but the trouble with most caffeinated drinks, that crash can drain you so bad that even recovery is difficult and gaining that energy back. 

A great routine you can do to wake up the body and wake up the brain is swinging the Indian Clubs & Jump Rope. Some people, like me aren't all coordinated with a regular Jump Rope so we use an alternative that anyone can use called the Ropeless Jump Rope. You can do all sorts of skipping movements with it and it'll never smack you in the ankle or foot. The Indian Clubs are incredible for building stamina and upper body conditioning while strengthening the shoulders, elbows and developing agility. They also work the brain because of the specific exercises to execute as you work the wrists and follow the centrifugal force.

You can do this routine as a superset, or do one series of exercises with the clubs and head straight to the rope. It builds awesome upper and lower body conditioning as you get into the high reps. For the clubs, I do sometimes up to 50 reps per arm for 100 total reps of an exercise and go up to 500-700 Reps for that workout. For the rope, sometimes i'll go 10 minutes straight or do no more than 500-1000 skips depending on how my body feels that day. This routine energizes the lymphatic system, strengthens the shoulder girdle, strong feet and ankles and works your reflexes. 

It's a very light workout, doesn't do a ton of impact on the joints and can be done just about anywhere at any time. A lot of us need energy to do the tasks that is needed from us and that's where we might be tested for our stamina and be able to keep going without fatiguing. As we get older, recovery becomes a bigger necessity than the training itself and we need to be able to keep on our toes and get plenty of rest, it varies for certain people but the principle still applies. 

So if you're in need of motivation to wake your ass up and get that blood pumping for the day, give this a shot and see what you can do. If you're to club swinging or haven't skipped rope in a while, do lesser reps and skips and build yourself up. Start with 10 reps per exercise and work up to 100 skips, after that build from there. The workout doesn't need any more than 20 minutes, that should be enough. In the beginning, start with 1-5 minutes. 

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