Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Last Stand: Breaking Free Of The Wretched Slime

I guess I'm now one of those guys who has a literal following of Anti-Fans or HATERS that can't seem to shut up about how awful and "retarded" I' am. I have written about them before and I won't mention their site by name. It has been going on for years and up until about a year ago, I started actually paying attention to it. Why I did that, still beats the hell out of me.

I've had people tell me to stay away from them and I didn't listen. I let my own ego get the best of me and I'm not ashamed to admit this, but they came within inches of completely breaking me. I let their warped minds get in my head and for a period, let them live not only rent free but I practically handed over the fucking keys and say "here you go assholes, trash the place and I'll clean it up." I couldn't write, I can barely get a workout in (even 5 minutes felt like a chore) and I was at my weakest mentally and it is my own damn fault.

A friend I made from Matt Furey's Facebook Group said something to me that made a light bulb go off in my head so bright, it could blind Superman. His name is Gideon and he and the others that I FINALLY really listened to and hit me like a freaking freight train (I know, took my ass long enough) inspired me to stand up for myself and live what I love to do and that's train to the best of my abilities and understand that although the haters exist, I don't need to know what they say or do because all they have as a life preserver is negative bullshit that just won't DIE.

The only person in control of their destiny and the way they handle things is ME. Not only do they no longer have the keys, their bones are broken and they're crippled from me taking them. Haters do exist and us writers, bloggers, online entrepreneurs deal with them in our own way. This is mine so to cap this off, here's a little SONG from one of my favorite bands Alestorm that sums up what I really want to say and do to my haters and all the negative people that continue to trash me, my friends, my fellow bloggers and writers.

*WARNING* This song is NSFW.

Be Safe, Stay Strong & Stay Healthy.

1 comment:

Gideon Orbach, Chiropractor at Large said...

Sounds like you’re putting in good work in a high rent district.

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