Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Swing Away My Friends

"Now that's what I call a Swinging Party."- Baloo The Bear

Getting fresh air can be a good thing since we've been told to stay home. In your backyard or out on the front lawn, getting in a good workout can really get you into the "swing" of things. Recently, on a nice sunny day, I went out and swung my Monster Mace that weighs about 25 lbs. Doing various exercises to really target my grip strength, coordination and a little cardio. The Mace is a great tool that has been used for centuries by Indian Wrestlers training in the ancient art of Kushti.

In modern day fitness, it is used to help those get fit with minimal equipment and work exercises that hit muscles that most weight training exercises don't. People like Mr. Maceman Rik Brown, Jake Shannon of Scientific Wrestling, Zenkahuna, Ryan Pitts and others have made Mace Swinging an art form and bringing back an ancient art of building warriors and conditioned people.

If you do some research on the Mace, you'll find that it's not always how heavy the mace is, it's the performance of the movements with the Mace that take on a entity of itself. Unlike a barbell where you do limited planes of movement, the Mace forces you to stay coordinated and balanced in a very unique way. There are all sorts of exercises you can do that will strengthen your core like crazy, build a powerful grip and challenges the way you move your elbows, shoulders, hands and wrists.

This implement is a lot of fun to use and you can play around with a lot of exercises that gets you fit and develops functional strength and power.

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