Thursday, March 19, 2020

Isometrics & Quarantine

Since we the people were told to stay home, might as well make the best of it right? Good thing I work from home anyway or wherever the hell I want if internet is up. I'm more of a homebody anyway and when I do go out, its for a good walk, shopping with the wife (good thing we don't have to break anyone for Toilet Paper), spending time with family or being out on the patio getting some sun. Although this is a serious virus and I know I'm not invincible, I still don't feel threatened to it and I'm so grateful my wife hasn't gotten it considering how many people she deals with all day.

Where we live is beautiful, surrounded by trees, next to a golf course, awesome neighborhood and some good hiking trails nearby so fuck you Coronavirus. Anyway, since we're cooped up here, let's keep ourselves in shape and stay as healthy as possible. Over a period of weeks, I was doing the Matt Furey Exercise Bible which I got really good at and gotten incredible results as you have seen recently. However, as I naturally do, I switch things up to keep from doing the same thing over and over, so I switched over to mainly Isometric Training.

Some of the best info on Isometric training is through the Facebook group Vim & Vigor (Isometrics And Beyond) where you'll find like minded people who have a very positive spin on the subject, a great file section on Isometric Training and loads upon loads of encouragement and inspiration. For me, some of the best people to learn the subject of Isometrics are people like Bud Jeffries, Jarell Lindsey, Batman (Paul) O'Brien, Steve Justa and others.

Isometrics in and of themselves can be a hell of a workout and it doesn't take a ton of time. These would be the perfect workout to do while in Quarantine. You can do exercises from your couch, your bed, in the kitchen (maybe not while cooking lol) on the wall, in the doorways, hell even while you take a shower. The main summary of Isometrics is that you're using force without actually moving, you can also hold a certain position with less force and hold it for an extended period of time. The most common Isometric people do is the Plank where you're in push-up type position on the hands or forearms. 

Although the Plank is a good starting point, it's good to progress to other positions or hand placements to make the Plank more interesting such as holding it with your fists, holding in the mid position, on your fingertips, one arm, switch hand placements every 30 seconds, one legged and way more different variations. You can do virtually thousands upon thousands of exercises without ever moving a single muscle but in all fairness, I think around a dozen should cover it within a 10 minute period. They're phenomenal fat burners, can amp up your cardio (if you know how to do right, you'll never need to be on a treadmill), build real world strength and speed, possibly lower blood pressure, build muscle that is less prone to injury and strengthen the tendons and ligaments.

I mix up various Isometric Exercises ranging from using a Strap or Belt, Pushing against the wall or doing wall sits, free handed exercises, Gymnastic Type Holds, Yoga Poses, planks, Muscle Isolation such as Muscle Control, Chair Exercises, weighted holds and plenty more depending on what type of mood i'm in. They can also be very meditative such as holding the deep squat for several minutes, Horse Stances, being on one leg, holding a handstand, Wu Ji Posture like in Qi Gong and others. Isometrics are more than just flexing or holding a wall sit, they give you strength that not many possess and if you're an athlete, they can prolong a career. 

Being in Quarantine freaking sucks big time and with having time on our hands, avoiding cabin fever can be a chore in itself. A few minutes a day doing Isometrics can also alleviate stress and help you be calmer and more focused. Let's face it, we hate it when we have to be forced to stay in our homes but we can make the best of it and do our best to keep a positive attitude while getting fit in the process. 

Take care of yourselves, your loved ones and have positive vibes. This thing won't last forever. 


Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Another good article Ben.
The sicko, old, fat, mentally Ill bigoted stalkers over at the Asshole Mongo Men forum have actually been in their own kind of "quarantine" for a few years now, sat in their masturbating rooms wearing their panties and adult diapers while stalking John Peterson, your good self and others. They truly are future recipients for a straight jacket, or in PARKERSTAR'S AKA PARKERSHIT'S πŸ’©/PORKERSHIT'SπŸ’© case a long prison sentence for hitting females,where he will no doubt meet the resident booty bandit prison rapist, who will introduce him to the "split cheeks" style of prison intimacy. Hey PARKERSTAR, you might enjoy it😁
Our old, fat,resident lunatic and dinosur bigot on that forum, MACKY, will no doubt be practicing his own form of "isometrics" for his hand, as he grips a VERY small "tool" while obsessively searching the internet for videos of young guys exercising, and then criticizing them along with the rest of the turd stains on that forum, while as usual none of them post photos and videos up of their revolting old torsos.
MACKY should stop looking for wild birds who he believes are his late wife talking to him, and stop believing his half assed efforts at Tai Chi enables him to see through curtains 😁, or else a trip to the local asylum may be another kind of quarantine waiting for him. LOL.
Take care Ben, try some isometric holds on the ab wheel, I find they make my core very firm.
Keep training dude, use the freaks weakness to give you strength.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Hey MACKY, YOU were the freak who has claimed in the past you can communicate with your late wife, and your Tai Chi gave you special powers😁
The hypocrisy of your little bunch of bigoted, demented stalkers is almost as bad as your mentally Ill stalking.
How you sewer dwelling losers can have the chutzpah to call any posters on here childish, ranting, graphic, or obsessive is quite unbelievable, when the only purpose in your Asshole Mongo Men forum is to obsessively rant like bitchy little children about John Peterson,Ben, and others.
You only get away with it because you hide behind your keyboards.
MMA guys and other fighters generally don't like bullying, racist, stalking bullys like you fools, so you can expect that they would wish to have 5 minutes with you in the ring or streets. This is one of the best medicines for bullys like you and your little club of sickos.
Now get back to your scanning of John Peterson's site, you may miss a new posting by him, you bizzare old lunatic.
Take care Ben, dog shit has more character than those losers.

Anonymous said...

You are right about isometrics bro. I have been doing this as my only form of resistance training for a few months. I felt the weights were making me slow. I've gotten faster and stronger in my wrestling classes than before, and lost the fat and bulky muscle, now it is more lean.
Keep writing those interesting articles. I'm going to try some of the supplements you recommend as well.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

MR DAVE100 at the Asshole Mongo Men forum tosses and turns in his urine stained bed every night, "what's John Peterson doing, what's Ben doing ?" the voices in his fat demented head ask him. Unable to resist the urge any longer he wobbles into his foul smelling masturbation room, kicking away the many empty pizza boxes, takeaway wrappers, and empty biscuit barrels out of the way. Turning on his computer he crashes down into his reinforced chair, the faeces inside his panties becoming as flat as a pancake.
But what's this? To his dismay he finds there are no new posts on John Peterson's or Ben's sites. His demented mind is now in turmoil.
But then he remembers! He decides to visit that site that always brings him happiness, and a sticky pair of panties.And so with one click from his fat,smelling of ass finger he arrives at Ladyboys In Leather ( while telling himself it's only gay if you look them in the eye ).
And the next day our worn out hero is back on that forum with the other sewer dwellers, his homophobic rants acting as a closed door to the closet that he really wants to kick open.
Gain strength from the fact that you are STILL living rent free in those schmuck losers minds Ben😁

Ben Bergman said...

You guys who have stick up for me or just the one person who has, thank you very much I appreciate it. Here's a little couple tidbits for you that might interest you and to those at that pseudo man cave they call a forum. First off, they can talk shit all they want and say whatever they want, it's a free country but also remember, it's my blog and if you can't handle it, don't read it, that simple. Instead they run to their safe space and cry like little bitches and find some "creative" way to keep poking at me.

Now. Here's something that the man called Billyfish kind of doesn't talk about very much....on the Sierra Board, I PM'd him to let him know that I wanted to apologize for my behavior towards him when he messaged me a time or two and even offered a little truce and his response was pretty specific and I said ok, well I still wish you an amazingly awesome day and the last thing he said to me was fuck off.

The second little tidbit is that I know they've poked at my wife and my mom and still believe I live in her den or the basement of her house. That's not the tidbit though.....I told my wife about the shit they've pulled and told her what they were actually saying about her. I showed her their posts about our wedding and what they said about her so not only are they completely denying about it but I have a witness who has seen those posts herself. So yeah again they can talk all they want but all they're doing is just keep rolling in the traffic and can't stop discussing about me through their little dumb jokes, mocking my love for superheroes and whatever else they try to talk about. They can't for the life of them talk to me privately, it all has to be public messaging or requesting to be a comment on my blog. At least I had balls to talk to one of them without being bombarded with the public messages and threads. I even talked to the guy called TexasRanger which yes I did throw language at him which he didn't like yet his buddies flaunt it like it's no big deal. Hope their satisfied and knowing that I just completely got them on the ropes. Have fun little men.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Like the greatest of all time, Muhammed Ali did, keep defending yourself and counterpunching Ben, although the racists at the Asshole Mongo Men forum probably won't like me mentioning Ali. That man had more charisma, strength, morals, and character in his little finger than all of those sewer dwellers put together.
The old lunatic known as MACKY actually admitted again he believes the wild birds are his late wife talking to him 😁 The professional I have mentioned to you found it extremely interesting when I shown them, they believe he may end up on serious medication ( if he isn't on it already) or locked in a mental health facility in the near future,and one of their associates believes the stalking type of obsessive behavior exhibited by him and his fellow insecure mentally ill friends would be enough to open an investigation if it was happening locally where they live.
The turd stain who calls himself BILLYFISH strikes me ( and the associates) as the type of "man" who wouldn't last very long in say for instance, a prison environment, from what you say he fits a certain profile - a cowardly,devious, backstabbing, insecure, out of shape,pathetic bully, always having to have his buddies backing him up, a "man" who has led a pretty worthless life,unfullfilled. hurting his close relatives and those who tried to care for him, never having the courage to face anybody man to man/one on one, never having the courage to apologise when they are wrong ( which a real man is not afraid to do), and his sexual history probably leads a lot to be desired,females (?) have probably been most disappointed with the small and very quickly over attempts at sexual intimacy he has tried with them, all in all a social outcast, a LOSER of the highest order, who has to take his inadequacy out on others.
What is particularly amusing at the moment is how the schmucks are trying to accuse you of being "childish" Ben. Childish? this is an accusation from grown men whose whole life, and sole purpose of their pathetic forum, revolves around stalking John Peterson, your good self, and others to see what they have put on their forums or channels! Their chutzpah is truly astounding. What sort of real men act like them? How their wives/boyfriends deserve pity!
Stay positive Ben, keep training, and use the weakness of those freaks to give you strength.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Hi Ben, hope you are doing fine.
The hypocrosy of the sewer dwelling, fat, old turds at the Asshole Mongo Men forum is unbelievable!
The freak and social outcast cuck known as BILLYFISH makes a nasty post about you, and then in his post after that he says that he's looked at your forum and seen that you've allowed more new "nasty" comments to be put up!😁 The chutzpah of these shitheels really is amazing. Like all racist bullys they start to play the "victim" when they get a taste of their own medicine.
And the challenge is issued this time to BILLYFISH the cuck - POST PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OF YOUR " TAPERED" 😁 PHYSIQUE UP, you vile inadequate loser.
They really are scumbags of the highest order.
Keep training dude, have a good weekend, and gain strength from the weakness of jealous and demented, bigoted stalking losers.

Ware said...

Ben, you're picking a fight you won't win. You can't, it's ten against one. Going to the wives was a cheap shot and it will / has already come back at you.

Ben Bergman said...

Lol, hate to break it to you Ware but I never said one thing about their wives that they think I have. The only things I ever actually said was I feel sorry for Big Bruv if that did actually happen and Macky seeing his wife through the birds, if that's what he chooses to see that's his thing. How is that a cheap shot?

Secondly for those playing the home game, I'm not and never have been Big Bruv is a weirdo so let's make that crystal clear and lastly, this has gotten out of hand and this blog is not for bullys who have an agenda and I will allow comments as I see fit that pertain to the articles and using positive influence and encouragement on my writing and ideas.

The people who have backed me up again I'm incredibly grateful but at the same time lol, I must be doing something right if I'm getting this much traffic from guys who hate on me but can't stop discussing. Again, if you can't stand what I put on here, comments or posts, you have the opportunity to walk away and never read my stuff. Let me use a TV analogy here if you're having trouble actually paying attention....if you don't like or hate what's on a TV station, all you have to do is change the channel, easy, simple and truly not THAT difficult to do.

Also, the more these wackadoos discuss about me or poke fun at the people I love and care about, the more they prove they can't let go of their own self hatred and I'm about to get all nerdy and philosophical on your ass by saying just this....."Fear is the path to the darkside, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."- Yoda. I sense much fear in these people.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Hey WARE, you just admitted it - "it's ten against one" - so you all take pride in bullying Ben? You really are more vile and pathetic than I thought. Ten against one, harrassing and stalking one person, that's okay to you racist bullying schmucks is it? That's fair is it?
And you expect Ben to just ignore it and let it all go? And one of you freak bullys did say Ben and his wife looked "retarded", and none of your other sewer dwelling friends told them that was wrong. What a bad life you must have had for you to have to go on a forum with other losers and pick on one person. If you were abused in your younger years then I feel truly sorry for you, but you shouldn't take your insecurity and anger out on other people dude. A talk with a psychiatrist can often help.
Normal, decent people dont spend all day with other men on a forum that stalks and bitches about people.
As for BIG BRUV, I have spoken to a guy who says he had a VERY sexual affair with her when she lived in Spain, and he shown me some pretty compelling evidence.
So if you bigots want to carry this pathetic stalking and mocking of everything Ben does and writes then go ahead. But dont expect Ben to not get support, some of us believe in fighting back against bigoted bullying scum.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

MACKY and the other old, demented, racist, fat, mentally ill stalkers on the Asshole Mongo Men forum are STILL trying to play the "victim" and pretend they have done nothing wrong!
The hypocrisy of these sewer dwellers is unbelievable. The guys at MMA say they are the best example of bully scum not being able to take a dose of their own medicine as is possible. And the proffesionals I know say they are showing the classic mindset of racists and bullys/stalkers.
To paraphrase your question MACKY,what sort of "men" spend all their waking hours obsessing about and criticizing everything that other people post on their sites?
Truly you are the freaks of the internet.
Take care Ben, keep training dude, and remember to use the hatred, bigotry, and weakness of those turd stains to give you strength.

Anonymous said...

Beta, those men get a stiffy every time: Ben, JeP, Gordon, Newton etc. post a photo. Then they copy, paste, and sometimes edit those photos so they can mock them all-the-while holding their little stiffies in their tiny tiny hands.

It's an easy score, Ben hardly ever or never posts/mocks their photos, they on the other tiny tiny hand, do.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Anonymous - exactly right there. A psychologist friend of mine is actually going to use their Asshole Mongo Men forum and the sewer dwelling racists and demented stalkers who post on it in a talk they are going to take part in soon on the dangers of mentally ill stalkers living amongst the community. They say that forum is the worst example of mentally Ill obsessive stalkers they have come across, they said it would be particularly disturbing and a cause for concern if these people lived close to the people they are obsessing over, and would most probably need intervention from law enforcement agencies and mental health authorities.

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