Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ropeless Jump Roping

Almost sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Although it isn't very appealing, I don't go for things that look like a million bucks but I do go for things that could work for me. For as long as I can remember, I was never really coordinated whether I was in sports or whatever. I did get good at some things but I never had an equal level of either side of my body. Hence why I was always hesitant with Jump Roping.

As a kid I did the different Jump Rope games we do and played around with a rope in various PE classes over the years but no matter how hard I worked at it, I just never clicked with it, getting hit all the time, never could count my jumps well and couldn't last a minute without to save my life without getting smacked somewhere. Only less than a few years ago, I decided to try the Ropeless Jump Rope. I figured, what the hell I'll give it a chance. Again, I wasn't very coordinated but something felt right with this thing. My practice had better results and yeah it's not the same as a regular jump rope but I can learn all the same exercises without getting smacked around.

Some may ask "What the hell is that? Why not just use a real rope or not have anything and just jump?" They're not wrong, I could just use a real rope, I have a few that even my wife uses from time to time but I like the feeling of having something in my hands and work my body as if it was a regular rope. I can skip, I can sprint in place, jump side to side, do lunges, walk, march, crisscross and other things plus I can use it as a workout on it's own or use it a active recovery tool during regular workouts.

I have done a full 10 minute workout with it non stop and it has been said that 10 minutes of rope skipping is the equivalent to 30 minutes of running. My calves were sore as hell but it was a great workout that had great benefits including cardiovascular conditioning. My main purpose of it is to either wake myself up or as warm up/cool down and between rolls of my animal dice game. The jumping in between rolls of my animal game varies in speed, sometimes I'll run in place or jog in place and when my breath is back at a level where I'm comfortable, I'll go back to the game and continue without feeling tired or fatigued. This helps with keeping up my endurance and not sit around or walk around breathing like a maniac.

Whether you're a beginner or a professional athlete, the ropeless jump rope can be a great tool for anyone and like me, it saves the frustration and feeling discouraged because we don't have the coordination so you can get the job done when you need to. Jump Roping has been a tool for many people that need some solid conditioning, cardiovascular/muscular endurance, stamina and speed. From MMA Fighters to Hockey Players, Baseball stars, Olympic Wrestlers, Average Joes and High School/College Jocks, it's helped many become successful in their endeavor and it's great for people who just want to get in shape.

Reap the benefits of regular jump roping by grabbing the Ropeless Jump Rope and have fun with workouts that will take you to the next level.

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