Monday, February 11, 2019

Why Do We Get Inspired By Something That Isn't Real?

Fiction gives off a sense of what can be imagined and utilizing different elements of characters, places, structures, story, genres and more. Although there are things much more stranger or more inspiring than fiction, we cling onto the creative imagination and perceive to take it as the real deal or what we can accomplish in our own lives.

When it comes to fitness, the classic physical culturists of the late 19th and early 20th, centuries were very much real but some of their exploits can be constructed as fiction or over exaggeration. We get inspired by magazines, books, dvds, seminars and seeing what is possible but we also know what we see in our minds sometimes is fiction until it becomes a reality. Many athletes are inspired by Fictional character Rocky Balboa; the training montages, the drama, the fights, just ooze inspiration. Hell there is an actual statue in tribute to a character. We as a people, made something that doesn't actually exist in the real world but we make it seem real because it is that inspiring.

Comic Book heroes inspire people from all walks of life; from writers, to athletes, artists, storytellers and more and many have been successful in their endeavors because of being inspired by comic books. Ronda Rousy is a UFC Hall Of Famer, Former UFC Champion, Undefeated until her last 2 fights, is in the WWE as the champion on Monday Night Raw; she is inspired by anime such as Dragon Ball Z with her favorite character as Vegetta. Companies are inspired by comic books such as Onnit with their rendition of Marvel Heroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man & Captain America onto their products.

Although fiction depicts what doesn't exist, we create reality in our minds and even into reality itself with inventions and constructing new buildings, statues, toys and others to give ourselves or others the ability to see what can be real in a form of context. There are statues of Greek, Irish, Scottish, Roman & Latin heroes that are of pure myth but yet we see them all around the world as an inspiration for what is possible and timeless.

Some people pick on others for using fiction to factor their inspiration into the real world. We use fiction as a creative mechanism and structure our imaginations to find something amazing to bring to life. Read a book, workout from a theme by a superhero, build amazing structures, bring fiction into the world through your imagination. Let's face facts, in reality, fiction at some point, becomes real.

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