This Christmas was probably the worst one I've ever experienced in my life and am ready to talk about it. One week ago today, we were having a nice Xmas eve and found out about my outfit for my wedding, so we had to deal with that since we waited a month for it. As we were coming back home from being at the post office within mere seconds, a guy decided to pull a fast one and tried to yield left as we were going through a green light and we crashed into him.
My fiance was driving, my mom was in the passenger seat and I was sitting behind my fiance. It was about a cluster fuck as you can get and the mixed words of who was at fault. We at 1000% had the right away and it was this jackass's fault and it was determined earlier this week that we were in the clear but not without emotional trauma and the mere fact that my girl's car was totaled and is now forced to get another one because even with insurance claim, there isn't enough to pay off the damage done to her car.
I have had to do my best to take care of both my mom and my fiance on a mental and emotional level just so things didn't escalate to a severe breakdown by all three of us. I don't know how she did it but my girl still found a way to get to work and we went to a Xmas gathering at her dad's which was fun and had a good time but that was the only fun we really ever had this whole week. Back to the accident; from witnesses to members of the driver being there, it was just full of adrenaline, placing blame and talking to cops with the best composure we can muster. It was cold as hell and the warmest thing had on were my sweats along with a t-shirt and shoes. I was so irate with one witness I almost lost it. I did apologize to him but than he had to egg some shit on.
My fiance's ex sister in law was at the scene literally coming out of an area from a bank that was just next to the sidewalk where the scene of the accident was. She did her best to be there for us and I'm thankful for what she did to help my girl out. The cops were night and day in terms of dealing with us and it didn't help much when one cop is being nice one way and a dick the next but another cop was amazing and worked with us and took whatever statement we gave him and remained professional.
In the midst of all this, despite having thoughts of hurting this guy who ruined our Xmas and traumatized me and the two women that are most important to me in my life, I'm glad neither he or his girlfriend who was his passenger was hurt physically. There wasn't very much sleep this entire week and even with insurance, there's only so much that could be done and my girl is so devastated about her car that she worked so hard to get and now being taken away from her just crushed a piece of her. On a good note, there's a high possibility that she can get a new car exactly like the one she had down to the very year and model. It's only a matter of time and negotiating to make it happen.
I can't say what else we are able to do as we move forward from this but it made me step up as a man and be there not just for both of them at the same time but to give them something to be positive about and understand that although we went through this together, things could've gone way more up shits creek and we are universally lucky that car saved us because if it was in my mom's car and my mom was by herself, she could've easily been in the hospital with severe injuries. Despite my issues and dealing with my own line of PTSD, I didn't care about me and focused everything I could on my mom and soon to be wife. I still did my workouts and I'm so thankful not one person on either side got injured in that accident plus making the most of what I can do.
Although this article didn't come on a good note and is the very last one before New Years, I want to wish all of you a safe and happy New Year. Take care of each other, love one another and do the best in your abilities to make the New Year a mighty one and cherish what you have and what you can look forward to. Don't make resolutions so far out of your reach, shine bright with goals that will benefit you not just for the year but more importantly just to make the day a little better even for a single moment because the littlest things down to the very fraction, can create the biggest impact both short term and long term.
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