Animal Movements has been a big trend as of late and why not; they're functional, they're fun to do and can get you results fast. For some people, they're not strong enough yet to move at a good clip and have that core strength to stabilize themselves during certain movements. This can feel discouraging but there is an idea of where you can start; this goes for advanced trainees too.
I call it Animal Isometrics. It's not the typical style of isometrics you're use to seeing and it's got incredible benefits other forms of isometrics don't have. Here's a twisted way to look at Isometrics from the Tiger: It's been theorized that if a Tiger was shot and killed, it's tendons in its legs are so powerful and insanely strong that it will remain standing. What are Animal Isometrics? It's quite simple; you hold a position and flex as hard as possible while making an "SSSS" sound in the form of an animal. Think of the Bear Crawl, simple movement but the Isometric component would be to have the feet and hands planted with your butt in the air, plant one arm and one leg forward and press hard into the ground for up to 10 seconds (7 is ideal).
Now what these isometrics do is that they develop incredible strength and power in the most awkward positions and build up strength in the tendons and ligaments. It builds phenomenal core strength and with the way you breathe, it can build your cardio. A solid workout in this fashion doesn't need any more than 10 minutes tops. You can do all sorts of animals and with consistency, will build up greater strength for movements later on if you're not ready yet. For advanced trainees, these isometrics will increase your speed, vitality, endurance and breathing power. Think what that can do for your sports training; if you're a combat athlete in MMA with that much strength, think what that could do to help with your defense, your pinning power and lock in submissions that have your opponent feel like an anaconda has got them.
It's not just for sports training but for health, virility, flexibility, eliminating back pain and have a powerful physique. Train for lifelong efficiency that increases strength not just in the tendons and the muscles but the organs as well. Isometrics are a key to overall fitness and have possible near superhuman strength from many angles.
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