Did you know that sometimes being still can burn calories like crazy? Now I didn't say relaxed because some people think being still and relaxed are the same thing, they're not. When I first learned the concept of Isometrics, I just figured it was more about strength because you're not moving or anything, just contracting and relaxing the muscles right? It turns out, the more you learn about Isometrics, the more things you discover that goes beyond just building strength. It' not just about building dense muscle and developing a physique (Just look at guys like Otto Arco and Bobby Pandour), it can give you quite a cardio workout if you do it right.
There are quite a few ways to get a great cardiovascular workout using Isometrics but the main two that really hit the spot are:
1. Circuit Isometrics
Like a circuit, you go from one exercise to the next practically without stopping. This normally would be for HIIT, Bodyweight, Weightlifting and other methods using movement but with Isometrics; you take one contraction, take a breath, do another and so on and so forth. Let's say you do three positions for the chest using various hand placements and just go flexing hard in one position like downward, take a breath, do the middle, take a breath and do the upper, switch hand positions and repeat.
This is more of an advanced type workout where you have understood the mechanics of contracting the muscles using a specific breathing pattern and can handle it. This isn't something for beginners, so once you get a feel for how to apply Isometrics, you can do this kind of workout. Hell of a fat burner and building up that heart rate that can get you sweating in less than a couple minutes.
2. Aerobic Isometrics
This type of training can be used for both beginners up to advanced trainees. It's very simple, you hold certain positions and stay there for as long as you can. The idea however is to not necessarily flex hard for a short period and relax, it is to keep the contraction to a lower percentage say less than half of a hard flex. An example of this would be to test yourself in a horse stance or even a half squat and hold that position for let's say 30 seconds to a minute. For the average person, a minute can feel like an eternity. How about just hanging on a pullup bar; simple enough, grab a hold and lift your feet off the ground. Not easy is it? This method of Isometrics teaches you how to control your body while breathing deeply and concentrating as you hold a position for an extended period of time. For some athletes, in order to be tortured after hard practices they would do a wall sit and really let those muscles burn to a great degree. If you hold long enough, you'll start to feel your whole body being worked, not just the muscles you're focusing on. Take the Plank as another example, this full body Isometric works your body from head, all the way down to your feet; for most can't handle more than 30 seconds. There are endless exercises you can choose to hold a position in.
Now what does this have to do with cardio? Well, when the muscles are firing after a period of time, your heart rate can jack up because the more muscles being used, the greater you're generating a strong heart rate. This doesn't mean you're going to have a heart attack or anything but once you have control over your breathing, it opens up new doors for your conditioning. Now this is going sound contradictory but with great breath control, you are conditioning the body in a different light, you can almost seemed relaxed in certain positions but internally your body is firing but in a good way.
Aerobic Isometrics can make you feel lighter but have a stronger ability to contract the muscles without compromising speed. This method has also been known to make someone go faster. Think of it this way....Think of a beaver dam, it holds large amounts of water and looks calm and soothing but when it is let go, it comes out creating a far larger impact and causes great chaos in its wake. If you hold a position like a runner for 2 minutes and then start to run, think how fast you can be. It could go up as much as 20-30% faster than you'll believe.
Isometrics can generate amazing cardio within a short period of time. The incredible endurance you can have is within your reach.
For more info on developing your body through Isometrics, check out 7 Seconds To A Perfect Body and learn the best exercises, the history, anatomy and breathing techniques in this one of a kind course that is one of the best in the modern age.
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