Monday, July 9, 2018

Short Workouts Of Animal Exercises

Animal Moves are intense as it is because you're utilizing every muscle to stabilize, move and shift directions. The great thing about them training wise is by putting in workouts that can last as long as you want or as short as you want. Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or advanced, short workouts can aid in producing more fat burning entities and develop greater lung power and strength. Here are a few ideas on workouts that can be done in 5-10 minutes.

30 sec. Bear Crawls

30 sec. Off

30 Sec. Crab Walk

30 sec. Off

Shoot for up to 5 rounds

10 min. Of The Animal Dice Game


20 sec. Frog Jumps

10 sec. Off

20 sec. Bear Crawls

10 sec. Off

20 sec. Gorilla Walk/Run

10 sec. Off

Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 6 min.

500 Yards Of Bear Crawls in under 10 minutes.

20 Duck Walks

10 Kangaroo Jumps

As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes.

1 minute Crab Walk

1 minute Duck Walk

1 minute Bear Crawl

Rest & Repeat 2 more times.

There will be days where time isn't your best friend but still want to get a killer workout in. These can turn you into a rugged conditioning machine. They can also be used as a finisher to your regular workouts. Make it what you need to and become that animal as you move.

Be sure to check out the Animal Courses on the right side of the blog for more workouts and animals.

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