Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Become A Wild Beast & Become Much Stronger Then The Average Human

Have you seen the animals in the wild? The real power in these jungle creatures are far beyond any human strength that’s possessed. Take a look at the strength of a gorilla. At a bodyweight that can reach up to 400+ lbs. it can practically climb with ease and the power in his hands are just as strong if not more then a lifter’s legs. What about the speed of a cheetah? Runs up to speeds at best 65+ miles an hour to catch its prey. Now we will never become that fast but we can most certainly increase our speed.

What I’m getting at here is if we want to build solid strength and power and develop great endurance and stamina then look no further then Animal Exercises. Because of the compound movements being used you’re using both muscular strength and muscular endurance all at the same time. Not a lot of exercises do that. Plus with animal type training you’re developing the body the way it was meant to. Being functional and not isolating one group of muscles. Also you’re not just building muscle and burning fat but the strength in your tendons and ligaments are one of the true keys to overall strength and power.

Take a look at the tendons of a chimpanzee. Now its not very muscular in the same sense as a gorilla but they’re strength is nothing short of surreal as in if you let him squeeze your finger it can most likely break it. Tendons are actually more important then muscle building in my opinion because with strong tendons you can develop strength in ways build muscles can’t. If you build too much muscle it can wear down the tendons and that’s how you see injuries in the knees, ankles, shoulders and lower arms. Building bone density is keen to having a healthy life. For Astronauts they need to build their bone density when they go into space because with no gravity you aren’t using the body very much and you lose muscle mass. So its safe to say building tendons is important.

Muscle Building however is also important because you need those muscles for specific things and getting around. I’m not talking about bodybuilding in the sense you’re building so much muscle you can’t walk right no I’m talking about the muscle building that is functional and can have you do things you normally wouldn’t do. It takes strength to hold heavy objects or lifting groceries and whatnot so functional muscle building is a must. That’s why animal exercises are so complex and simple. You’re moving your body in different directions and using muscles you normally don’t use which in terms helps build the strength you need.

When you get into the habit of moving like an animal in your workout you’re working the body that can lead to a healthy one and create an inner power within you that is confident, vibrant and alive. Some animal exercises look a little weird but what’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong with it and I practice it quite often. You don’t need to set up a workout hell don’t even look at it as work it’s a little fun thing to do for a few minutes a day. Go to the park and play with your kids or just do it yourself either way its going to be a great experience. Check out Ed Baran’s Animal Kingdom Conditioning Courses and get yourself on track to being a wild beast in the jungle and become more powerful then you ever thought possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re skinny or overweight, young or old these exercises will give you the power to be a new you and engulf yourself into the jungle.

Animal Kingdom Conditioning

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