Friday, March 3, 2017

Become Limitless With Bacopa

I’d like to ask you a question….

What kinds of things would you accomplish if you had a sharper mind?
We all have a lifetime of learning behind us, but we tend to lose that valuable information over time, and only retain the stuff that’s immediately applicable to the things we do.
For many of us, it’s our strongest sense memories - our families, our relationships, our accomplishments - that we hold most dear. Those are also some of our oldest memories, and therefore some of the most at risk.
But what if the cobwebs have formed in the corners of your brain were filled with original thought and precious jewels of information retained over a lifetime of learning?
You’d be unstoppable.
What if I told you that there was something that could clear those cobwebs, give you a sharper memory, increased concentration and reaction time, AND reduce stress, anxiety and depression?
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
I’m not talking about a top secret drug that would make you limitless….
…..I’m talking about an herb that has been used in Ayurvedic tradition for several thousands of years to break through humankind’s cognitive barriers: Bacopa.
Bacopa can also protect neurons from the harmful toxins that are so prevalent in today’s chemically saturated world.
As you live and develop new memories, all it takes is one small step to make sure that you hold on to some of the most important ones.
Head over to Lost Empire Herbs and get a bag of their 100% certified organic Bacopa to unlock the full scope of your cognitive capabilities. 
I’m really looking forward to seeing what you will do with your sharper mind!
Order your Bacopa now!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Perfect Herbal Study Buddy!

How's your day going everyone? I would like to ask, is any one of you a student?

If so, then that probably means you’re heading into midterm season with much anticipation. It’s time to put your knowledge to the test, and lock in those high marks for the semester.

Don’t worry. Thanks to the perfect herbal study buddy from Lost Empire Herbs, you’ve got this.

What I'm talking here is what's called Bacopa- It is the #1 Herbal Nootropic

Bacopa has been known to help concentration and memory, which is sure to come in handy to anyone preparing for a test of the knowledge retained from studies over the last several months.

Head on over to Lost Empire Herbs  & snatch up a bag today.

There’s more...
Would you also happen to be one of the many plagued with test anxiety?
If so, then you know that no matter how smart you are, and no matter how much you’ve prepared, test anxiety can seriously obstruct your ability to articulate your knowledge on the exam.
This is where Bacopa can save the day, once again.
In addition to helping you concentrate and remember information, Bacopa can also help you reduce stress, anxiety and depression. This will allow you to replace all of the negative effects that are associated with test anxiety with a clear mind, ready to recall all the information you’ll need to do well on your exams.

Don’t let another midterm season pass you by without reaping study benefits of Bacopa. Get your bag now!

You’ll surely be pleased with the high marks you’ll earn as a result!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Some Of The Reasons Why I Rarely Ever Go To A Gym

When I was 18 to almost 21, I thought that weights were the key ingredient to build muscle and burn off fat. I could barely do a push-up yet I was strong in quite bit in the weights. After my accident and learning about Bodyweight Exercises, I found out I didn't really need the gym anymore. When I did it was extremely rare maybe a couple times a year and the most frequent time I did go back was when I was working at Gold's doing maintenance. Crap job but I got a free membership so what the hell.

Didn't work out too well (pun intended) and the universe was telling me I didn't need to be there and find my own path. The only time I really ever do some form of machine or barbell/dumbbell, is when I visit family and go to the gym with my dad while he uses the elliptical. I test out my strength and at this gym, there isn't enough weight for me to do what I want to do and I'm afraid of the rules there because basically its there for two reasons; for a few trainers and college kids to get in some of exercise and for much older folks that take up all the machines. Another time is a one day thing in Tahoe with my sisters and I use as much weight as I can get my hands on cause quite frankly I go nuts about my strength.

When I really put in my efforts to be more observant and pay attention to things around me; the gym is basically nothing more than a place for young tinny boppers who want to show off their ass in shorts that resemble boxers, guys who think they're the shit by thinking that they have muscles and showing them off yet have no real strength whatsoever. Also notice very rarely anyone does some level of heavy lifting and basically use no more than 20 lb. dumbbells and think they're going to get strong. For me, too many egos, no real motivation to get any better and the trainers from my point of view are downright shitty and it boggles my mind that they get paid for crap they probably got out of a damn manual. There's really no creativity, just the same type of routines flown around and believing what they're doing is really progress. Not all of them are like that but I'm very intuitive and rarely ever wrong when it comes to things like this.

The atmosphere is not forte anymore and it becomes too cramped up and no room for me to do what I really want to do. I'm no where near the level of a germaphobe  but there is still a line that I draw on and it can get very disgusting even for my own taste. I can't stand the long workouts, they're boring, un-motivating and because you wait at times for so damn long you're not even getting to do something you need to be doing. Its a waste of money when 75% of the time many don't even go and just let that money go down the drain in a horrific way.

The only real way I'll ever train at a gym is if I'm with friends and they're giving me a reason to bust my ass in there. I don't like much of the music cause its too varied and most of the time for me its very distracting. Besides why be in a building with a bunch of people you'll never really see again and just go through the motions. Another way I'll do it is testing my strength and for all intents and purposes, I'm very strong without needing a barbell or dumbbell let alone a crap machine somebody forgot to wipe down. I'm able to train anywhere I choose, develop strength skills that gyms don't have the right equipment for and the only I pay for training wise is the equipment I want to use and the courses I learn from. Saved so much by not doing the gym thing and I'm happy for it. Gyms are just a building with a bunch of unneeded equipment and most mainstream gyms have too many rules and will even throw you out for being fit.

Be smart about where you train and what you want to use. Build your own gym in your garage, backyard or frontyard for that matter and have the freedom to do whenever you feel like it.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Prostate Problems?

The prostate can appear to be the bane of older men.
With over 50% of men in Westernized countries having some degree of difficulty with it.
But the good news is there is a lot you can do about it…without resorting to drugs.
And if you support your prostate naturally that means supporting your hormone health too.
Check out this ARTICLE for lots of detailed information. 

Here’s the #1 herb I would recommend…NETTLE ROOT 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Ever Heard Of The Non-Workout Workout?

That might sound a little confusing to many but bear with me here. When is a workout not a workout and if it isn't a workout than why call it a workout? Brain getting flustered yet LOL? This is one of the many reasons why I love Animal Exercises; it's simply a more fun way of looking at exercise because when most hear the word W-O-R-K-O-U-T it can be a fitness turn off since it involves the first four letters "WORK." I mean seriously if you want to work isn't that what a job is? When you train, you want to do something that's interesting and gives you inspiration to do more of it (within reason of course).

Animal Exercises  is basically set up more like play and letting you move in different directions, strengthening your body from odd angles and be more of an adventure than work. Yeah I'll tell you it is tough and can be hard at times but when you focus more on the movement and acting out an animal it doesn't become too difficult. You're moving your body in ways you're not used to and it opens up your system in a very unique way. To put it bluntly, the more muscles you hit the greater chance your body will transform and have a functional and powerful physique.

When you move like an Animal for a few minutes a day, here are some of the things that will start to happen as you practice them consistently.....

1. The body will transform into a lean, mean animal machine

2. Your muscles won't just have greater density and definition, they will toughen up to.

3. You will gain incredible agility and speed because when you engage more muscles in a given movement, you're increasing vital nerve force.

4. Your conditioning will skyrocket and you'll have greater durability (Injury Resistance).

5. Develop strong tendons and powerful joints that will give you greater mobility and flexibility.

6. You'll increase the area of the brain that sends nerves into your system that releases endorphins and give you an increased level of health and wellness throughout every area of your body.

I don't know about you but I believe that's a fair deal for doing only a few minutes a day having fun as an Animal. They don't take very long at all and depending on your fitness level you can go for as long as want or what gives you the best benefit. When I started I only lasted maybe 8 minutes if I was lucky, I built up to roughly a half hour and that was brutal for me so don't feel the need to go beyond just for the sake of pushing the limits. Experiment and play around with what you can do,

When you join the Jungle VIP, you will be stepping into a world where not only getting fit is well rewarded but also have the opportunity to create challenges, games & your own adventures based on your pace and your way of becoming a wild animal.

What are you waiting for? Unleash that inner animal within you and get out there.

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