Showing posts with label energetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energetic. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Having Too Much Energy Can Be A Bad Thing

 Among things like Restless Leg Syndrome and other hyper-active formats, the energy we expand or don't use enough of can bite us in the ass and could lead to other issues. I've been known to be hyper-active and need to move around and be stimulated in some way. Often, it's one of those things where when I do try to sleep, my head is telling my body to go to sleep but my legs fight against it and will at times might as well say "fuck you" and want to keep moving around. 

I've been a night owl as long as I can remember at least since I was about 10-11 years old and unless I'm so fried that day, I don't sleep a ton of hours. At one point in my life the longest I slept was 15 hours but most of the time, 5 would be the most on an average basis. Sometimes I would work out just so I can exhaust myself in order to sleep but it doesn't always work out in my favor (see what I did there?). 

It's not easy when you're both hyper-active and have a brain that won't shut up. You try to read, watch a movie, listen to a podcast, listen to meditative sounds or in cases like mine, you train until you're ready to fall asleep. Yeah it sounds contradictory working out in order to sleep because after some workouts, you're at times more energized than ever. Believe me, I've been on both sides of the coin to where some workouts had me sleeping like a baby within about 20 minutes after but some others took longer to kick in in order to pass the hell out. 

I have at times took doses of melatonin which rarely ever did anything, I've taken muscle relaxers but didn't want to become addicted or rely on them, never once took sleeping pills which quite frankly is tempting but I've heard enough horror stories in my lifetime and knew people who were on them. If you've read enough of this blog, you know I despise and hate with a passion for medication. I'd rather be an insomniac than rely on chemical bullshit that has a risk of being highly addicted to. 

When I do sleep, I'm pretty good and maybe not completely alert in the first couple minutes after waking up but once the energy kicks in, I'm off to the races. It's a struggle but you do what you can and not everything is a 100% guarantee. Sometimes your body will do what it wants to do and your brain will have battles. I understand what it's like to worry too much, overthink, anxious about whatever, songs stuck in your head, needing to keep an eye out for anything that could go wrong in the house or having to be there for someone when they have a nightmare. It's at times overwhelming but alas we do need to sleep. 

It's hard for many and it's important for you to know you're not alone. Some people can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, others not so much. I have fallen asleep watching a movie but that tends to screw up my sleep later that night, I'd be totally relaxed for a period but the next thing you know, I'm wide awake needing to do something. Being bored or forcing boredom in order to sleep doesn't work for me, never really has. Do I take naps from time to time, yes and maybe I need to do less of them in order to get proper sleep. It is what it is and you learn by trial and error. 

We do need to find that balance where we use the energy we have productively in order to have optimal rest. On the other hand, some people need more energy cause they're tired constantly and don't have energy to be productive. There's got to be middle ground somewhere. Do what you can for you and make the most of the energy you have. Keep being amazingly awesome and get the best sleep you can. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Ziziphus 

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