Showing posts with label Pull-Up Handles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pull-Up Handles. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Slowly Getting Back Into Pull-Ups & Chin-Ups


Been a long time since I've tried Pull-ups & Chin-Ups but recently I got the WorldFit Pull-Up Handles and wanted to see what I can do with them. Only a few workouts doing both moving and isometric exercises and I still got it. Not many reps of Pull-ups & Chin-ups (about 3 per set at best) but I'm still able to get my chin over my hands. 

The Isometrics are brutal especially on the forearms doing different grips, hanging, Isometric Flexes in the bottom, middle and top positions along with Hybrid Isometrics. I came up with the idea for a doorway version of the Hybrid Isometric Pull-up/Chin-Up by putting my anchor under the door, loop my strap around and shorten it so it can fit tightly around the back of my legs so when I go to Pull-up or Chin-Up, the strap will stop me from going any further. This type of Isometric Training is a bit advanced but it builds incredible strength and power when it's done right. I only hold for this for a few seconds but it's intense as hell, just as much if not more than the Hybrid Push-Up. You can check it out here along with my Pull-Up & Chin-Up Videos

At my size, 3 reps is actually really good, I know I can do better though. The most I've ever done in a row was around 18-22 many many years ago. Just need to be careful not to go overboard cause there can be elbow problems so slowly progress. I've had elbow problems more than 20 years ago when I was a teenager doing Shot Put & Discus in high school and it sucked. 

Being able to do Pull-ups and such again could be beneficial to my arsenal but not a necessity. Pull-ups are awesome and some people are incredible at them like Mike The Machine Bruce & others. Just want to keep it basic and just be happy to be able to rep out a few, not going for Marine numbers or world records, hell even try those Barstarzz moves, those guys are fucking nuts lol. Keeping it basic and Low-Skilled is the key, have fun with it and get creative with the Isometric versions. Building grip strength, back conditioning, tendon strength and more. 

As Matt Schifferle puts it, Low-Skilled Exercises are keys to strength and fitness, progressing to harder exercises is great but master the basics and you can't go wrong (I'm paraphrasing and adding my own spin on it). You don't need to do a ton of stuff to get the job done, top notch basic exercises and you're good to go. Pull-ups weren't always my strong suit and never had trouble putting muscle on my back without them. This is more of just keeping up with what's possible and edging little by little that's it. Check out Matt's book Progressive & Weighted Calisthenics. One of the most AFFORDABLE books on the market today along with Grind Style Calisthenics, it shouldn't cost you 150 bucks to learn how to master pull-ups, that's just ridiculous IMO. 

Be safe, get strong and keep being amazingly awesome. If you're ambitious and want to add some strength into your pull-up training to make it harder, grab a Kensui Weight Vest where you can put on weighted plates to make it heavier. Get 10% OFF when you use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT at checkout. Maximum Poundage for the vests range from 80-300 lbs. 

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