Showing posts with label Pedestal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedestal. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2022

Putting Exercises Up On A Pedestal And Approaching Fitness In A Dogmatic Fashion

Training can be done in a variety of ways and there are millions of exercises that we can all choose from, but from a "no shit sherlock" point of view, we can't do them all. There are even certain exercises that have a high risk of harm or an extremely fatal entity that some should never attempt because of either previous injuries, doesn't match from a structural stand point or it's too early during a progression period. No question many programs and exercises work very well but they're not equal to every individual. 

The trouble is, many trainers and "gurus" have a dogmatic approach to fitness or physical culture in general where the exercises they show or demonstrate in order to appeal to a certain audience or group of people are the only ones they aught to do and anything else is wrong and should never question it. In other words, they put certain exercises or programs up on a pedestal and treat them in a cult-like fashion. I've said it before, not every exercise is created equal. If they were, everyone on the planet would be able to do them just like that, life doesn't work that way.

I've seen and read about guys who treat certain exercises like they're gods on Mount Olympus and force feed people into them like it's a hardcore religion. Don't get me wrong, I love the simple approach and progression with a keen eye for the basics which would take someone further into their journey than push so many advanced movements that has a very high potential of putting them in the hospital; however, I don't believe in shoving an exercise down someone's throat as if it's the fountain of youth and if you question it you might as well go to hell. I love animal movements and have a passion for them but not everyone has to believe in them like me and if they want to do something else, that's awesome because everybody should have an opportunity to be passionate in what they do for training.

These days, very few people in fitness and physical culture have a non-agenda approach and actually care about a person's well being and wants them to succeed whether with them or someone else. Trust me, I've been trained by various people and merely a handful ever gave me a reason to be passionate about this stuff. I wouldn't put them on a pedestal, but I do listen and observe how they do things...The body language, the confidence, the energy they create and making you a priority. 

No program or exercise is the end-all-be all. There are people who try their damndest to tell you differently cause they're style is the only one that works and force feeds your brain into believing their way is god especially with many of those ad copies and putting their program into this cult-like formality. That doesn't mean they're not good, some are very well written and a number of them are successful, but it's all about reading between the lines because if you look at certain styles of an ad copy, many have specific words or words within them that some people stole from somebody else by writing something and practically verbatim writes the same thing but in a different context if that makes sense.  

Hey man, I believe in certain people and take what I can absorb to develop my own style. I don't however follow them to a "T" in the sense where they're way is the only way. I hate that in every bone in my body. I guess that might be hereditary if that kind of thing exists because my grandfather (mom's father) just did things his own way, he would pick up on something, follow to a certain extent and took it to another level. The man was a genius (literally) and whatever he absorbed or learned, he took the best of those things to form his own style and developed abilities that would make people's jaw drop. Many don't know this but my gramps was a high school graduate at 16, went to Northwestern & did Graduate Studies at MIT as a Navy Man. 

So formatting what you absorb and utilizing the best meant for you is the true sign of freedom in your fitness journey. You can take so many things but only a few will give you the greatest benefit and no one can truly tell you otherwise. Learn and absorb, do the things that suit you best. It is really about freedom and simplifying the ideals of what truly benefits the exercises and programs you use. Be strong and amazingly awesome. 

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