Showing posts with label Neurons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neurons. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2023

60 Seconds Of Crawling Leads To Many Health Benefits

 Animal Movement is by far one of the very best methods of exercise anyone can do. Granted in times like these where information is overwhelming and the plethora of beginner to advanced movements tends to get awkward and confusing (depending on whom you learn the movements from), it's still important to understand that even the most simple movements can have a major impact on health and well-being. Fitness in and of itself isn't glamorous, glistening bodies or going so damn hard you pass out; it's about developing skills and strengths that play a major role in how we keep living to our fullest.

One of the most basic forms of Animal Movement is the Bear Crawl. It has been used throughout the ages and comes in different ways to perform it along with using it to condition the body in various ways as well. It can be done slow or it can be done fast but either way, it'll challenge your brain and muscular function despite its simplicity. 

I saw this picture of the Bear Crawl on Facebook in a post by Wong Yuen-Ming that went like this....

“Bear Walking” is popular these days but probably not many realize it was popular in old China as well, so I have taken the liberty to translate a short intro to the practice from a Ming era manual (circa 1500). Enjoy!

‘Tiger emerging from the cave’

First, assume the posture of a quadrupedal animal.

Extend the front and bend the back to move with strength.

Then, bend the front and extend the back, following the previous method.

Do this gongfu thirty-eight times, pausing at each one.

Zhi Gang said:

Use your hands as feet, hence the saying, "Assume the posture of a quadrupedal animal, extending the front and bending the back", means to position your body firmly and place your hands on the ground. "Extend the back and bend the front" means extend your legs and move forward. Doing so back and forth, your body will look like a tiger emerging from the cave, your muscles and bones will be relaxed, your organs will be at ease, and your blood flow will be smooth. 

This is one of the coolest depictions of the classic exercise in ancient text. A qi gong style format that not only shows what this exercise does but what it does for the body as you perform it. We all have heard of this exercise being used to torture athletes in sports like Football & Wrestling which for all intents and purposes is one of the many reasons why it has lasted so long as a conditioning exercise and fat burner. When we see it from a different point of view, it changes the stereotype that it's meant only for conditioning when in fact, it can be used to enhance one's brain and motor functions as we get older and we can't move as fast as Speedy Gonzales (Not that we last that going that fast anyway). Doing this exercise slower hits the muscles differently, it focuses not just the awareness of the movement but also the control and the amount of focus it takes. Yes it's very simple to do but it's not so easy to control especially when you go so slow that it's almost like time stood still. 
Now, if we were to practice this exercise each day to wake up our Brain Fog, imagine what the possibilities would be if we felt more alive in the morning and the things we can accomplish with a mind and body that's ready to go. The way it said to do this exercise 38 times and pausing after each one (who knows how long to do it) can be revitalizing to the organs and harness the neurons needed to wake the body up better than a cup of coffee. You can count if you wish and practice it that way, you can also do it for just 60 seconds. Just crawl for one full minute till the timer hits and you're done. That may not sound like much but if you were to do this everyday for a year, the body changes, your mind highly likely will be sharper and clearer, you have more energy and possibly have better days starting off with a smile or an endorphin high. 365 minutes is just over 6 hours, all that time crawling. Those 6 hours can be life changing, hell just a week can be life changing. Try it for 7 days and see how you feel in that time, that's 7 minutes all together, 7 minutes of just moving like a beast in the wild. 

If you really want to amp up the ante and want to push yourself, a couple times a week you can do a Tabata style workout that takes no more than 5 minutes to complete that will have you gasping and breathing hard like a madman. Crawl for 10 seconds fast, rest for 20 seconds and repeat for a total of 10 rounds. Although you're resting the majority of the time and the amount of work is really only 1:40 seconds long, it can turn you into a fitness machine and rev up the metabolism like crazy. Not to mention it creates spikes in HGH and Testosterone.

Have fun with this exercise whether you do it fast or slow, just don't go so hard you fall on your face and hurt yourself. It's meant to be an experience, a personal form of growth and physical activity. It'll feel like being a kid again just playing. It's not an exercise that's meant to be boring or a chore, it's meant to enhance those neurons and fire up the excitement in your system. Keep being amazingly awesome. 

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