Showing posts with label Legs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legs. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Who Says You Can't Do It?

A lot of people try to get strong and fit not because they believe in themselves but what others think of them. Believing what others say will make you a second rate wanna-be instead of being a first rate individual. "You're weak because someone said you are", "you're pitiful because you can't do a simple push-up", you can't be flexible and be big at the same time", "you will never be stronger then that guy" and my personal favorite, "bodyweight exercise won't make you big and all you're doing is endurance." What's so wrong with this picture? You are a person who has a strong individual waiting to shoot out and take on the world but first you must let aside those negative things people say and turn them into your strengths by going after what you want for yourself but not for them.

You have no excuse for what you want to achieve. What you want is waiting for you to take and take with a vengeance. You are more powerful then you think you are. That's right, I'm not giving you a hard time, not telling you how weak or pathetic you are, you aren't any of those things. If you want something bad enough you make it happen. No one can do it for you and those who say bad things about you want you to not achieve it because they have no will power themselves but you do my friend.

I'm telling you this right here, right now you are responsible for your own goals. If you want to succeed and become strong and mighty then you got to take it with a grain of salt, I can care less if you want to lift weights, do bodyweight exercise, use odd objects or cool looking tools the important thing here is that I believe you can do it and if you want it bad enough then go out and get it. Build the body of your dreams, in your mind you have a V-Shape back, powerful muscular arms, thoroughbred legs, tendons like steel cords, the neck of a lion and well rounded mighty shoulders but you have to make them a reality. It takes patience, time, hard work and will power to get what you want but if you work on the right things, everything will pay off in the end.

One of the key secrets to achieving your goals and achievements is to keep them to yourself. There are people out there that don't want to see you succeed and tell you its impossible or you're putting too much on yourself and something like this won't happen for you. That's a lot of bull because you have more power in you then they'll ever now and never let your dreams die. You are one powerful person no matter what someone says, good or bad. You have the ability to create something that's beyond yourself. Train for yourself an don't let anyone tell you different.

There are people out there however like me who believe in you and what you want to accomplish. These are the people to connect with and share with them what you would like to do but the golden rule is no matter how much advice you are given, you alone need to buil your own style of training and make it your own. Learn to become your ultimate teacher. You are the one who's making the choice.

Never settle for less then what you want to do. You are responsible for your own actions and you have no excuses for what you want to achieve. Don't let others take you down when you have more power getting back up. Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog. You need to train for yourself and don't let anyone tell you any different because you can do it and you will do it. You're the boss. Now get out there and make something happen for you. Become a giant among men whether you're short or tall, you can tower over anything if you put your mind to it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Get The Secrets Of Fundamental Leg Training

Some people say this burns fat, some say this builds muscle. For the most part it takes a good portion of effort to get out of breath or do this many reps but no matter how you put it, leg training builds muscle and burns fat then any other muscle group. When you do various squats, you're hitting more then just the quads, calves and hamstrings, you're hitting the hips, groin, butt and believe it or not the heart. The heart is one of the most important muscles in the body and the lungs are a very important organ. Working these together and hitting them hard will burn fat like a furnace and build muscle that have people turn heads.

Gymnasts are by far the strongest athletes on the planet as far as bodyweight exercises are concerned but you don't need to be one in order to get strong and healthy. Bodyweight exercise can be done anywhere, fit into any schedule and you can get a hell of a workout in less then 15 min. It can be boring doing something for an hour and someone telling you that you can't get strong on bodyweight exercise is a bunch of crap. In my friend Bud Jeffries' system Ultimate Bodyweight Conditioning (Squats), you will learn what to do to get in the best shape possible without ever needing to go to the gym.

There are many variations for Leg Exercises but Bud will give you exercises that are for the beginner, intermediate and advanced trainee along with exercises that specialized and full body training. Here a few exercises you will in this massive course.....

The One Leg Sprawl

The Ple Squat
The Boot Strapper

The Mountain Jump

The 180 Degree Jump Sprawl

The Mike Bruce Sprawl

The Sit Through Sprawl

The Leg to the Wall Sprawl

& Many More....

Get your hands on this course an get yourself some Thoroughbred legs and never use a gym for the rest of your life. Have the world be your gym. You can do these at the beach, your office, hotel room, cabin, forest, great for traveling, in your home ect. You can't go wrong with this course and you will save hundreds on gym fees and thousands on equipment and be able to use your saved money for food, housing and the simple things in life. Get strong, get tough and get powerful and agile legs.

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