Showing posts with label Habit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habit. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2023

Isometrics, Cables, Step Ups & Dopa Training

 Some days I get in one workouts, other days more than a couple like 3 or 4 but every now and then, sometimes a couple workouts where one huge one just hits the spot and your energy is just there. On Saturday, it was one of those days.

In the morning I got some Isometrics in and felt really good. Later on in the day sometime after having a kick ass shake, I went through another one that I made up on the spot and just went with whatever was going to push me. First part of the workout was doing the TNT Cables with 180 lbs Resistance and Step Ups. Do a set with the cables and either rest or go after the Step Ups doing 50 (25 per leg), 5 sets of 10 Curls and 100 Step Ups. Next was Pulldowns and doing sets of 40, 20, 20 and another 20 with 100 Step Ups (25 per leg in between sets or so) and last was Rows doing 5 sets of 20 and another 100 Step Ups. So all together was 250 Reps of Cable Work and 300 Step Ups.

The Dopa Workout was more of a finisher than anything and just an add on to what I just did to make it one big workout. Merely did three exercises for 100 Reps each. First was doing Hooks with a pull like movement doing a couple sets of 50 (25 each arm), next was Chest Presses for 4 sets of 25 and finished off with a combo exercise of a squat and alternating row where you squat and then pull one arm at a time for 4 sets of 25. Sweating like a waterfall would be an understatement and just feeling you're on top of the world.

When you have that energy and you use it productively whether training or working, it makes some pretty interesting results and getting stuff done. Fitness is more than just developing a physique, losing/gaining weight and getting rid of unwanted fat; it's finding out what gives you the most benefit with nothing to lose in the long run. Doing the same shit that rarely ever works won't do jack shit for you but learning and adapting to exercises that are useful to your goals and changing things up to keep things fresh often brings another entity of excitement and interest to your training.

You can do micro workouts throughout the day, do circuits that last for 20 minutes to an hour or go with whatever you're feeling that day, do what works for you. Some days when I don't have a ton of energy, I work on more mobility training and little workouts doing flows or do a couple hundred step ups. It depends on what you're willing to do within the time you can use. No matter what, get some form of training in daily, even if it's going out for a walk or playing a sport. Make the time that is important even if it's for a few minutes. I've always believed in conditioning and maintaining levels of strength and endurance but at times, it's best to just train so you can feel good and go on about your day. It doesn't have to be hardcore all the time or so easy it doesn't do anything but do something that gives you that accomplished feeling like a daily chore for yourself that keeps you on your toes and playing with it.

Workouts like the one posted here isn't for beginners but once you're in the type of shape to do those things, it becomes an adventure. Hell, you can spread out the damn thing for all I care, that might be better for you, it's about experimenting with what you know and what you can adjust to. This wasn't even planned, I made it up as I went and used my knowledge for when to go hard and when to rest a bit to let things sink in. As time goes on, yeah mostly I like to keep going as much as possible without taking a breather but I also have no problems walking it off to get my bearings and then go again; it's instinct and understanding of what you want to do in that time. When you've done workouts every single day without failure since you were barely old enough to drink, it doesn't just become a habit, it becomes like second nature. Very few people can do that. 

Take small steps, gain knowledge, learn the value of daily training and have it take on a life of its own as you keep going day after day. Stay amazingly awesome. 

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