Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dexerity That Makes Up For Strength!!!!

When it comes to fixing things, playing the piano, lifting weights, moving your body in different directions you have to have a good amount of hand strength and suppleness. To increase our dexerity in our hands, fingers and wrists we need the right tools and exercises to create power and tendon strength in the lower arms. Grip strength is a key to do some of the most phenomenal feats ever. No matter how you put it, you can have a big chest, shapley legs, upper arms the size of cannon balls, a back of North Dakota and shoulders that can carry a mule but if you don't have strong hands you don't have anything. Work your hands the way you train your body. Imagine what it would be like to have hands that can do things with ease and never get injured or get carpal tunnel and yet getting stronger each time you work your hands with the exercises i'm gonna recommend. I've learned these from a guy I recently trained with and now I'm gonna recommend his course to you. These have helped my hands get stronger for my feats of strength in ripping phonebooks and bending long peices of steel. At the same time since using this I have not had one shred of carpal tunnel or hurt my hands in any way. One of the things this course will help you on if you're a martial artist is increase your punching power and grip your opponent unlike ever before. I have done exercises that work and have done ones that havent and this course has the right ways of training your hands for strength, flexibility and suppleness. Now I'm not endorsing this, not asking for any money and spreading the word about having strong and healthy hands that can help with whatever you need in your daily life.

Finger Gymnastics

Friday, November 12, 2010

Training On CoreForce Energy

At the end of a road trip in Las Vegas I got to train with one of the best concert virtuosos in the world in the name of Garin Bader. For those who haven't heard of him he's a 13-time winner of international piano competitions and has traveled around the world doing countless shows of magic, martial arts, acrobatics and multi insturmental playing on cruise ships, major halls and in Las Vegas showrooms. What makes him stand out from others is his ability to generate power and speed and gracefulness in his performances. He draws you into his ability to not only have you listen to his music but really lets you know how he plays with ferocious determination and uncanny stamina. Outside of all the lights and stage rehearsals and being infront of hundreds of people, he has another side of himself that helps people bring out that peice of themselves to generate more power and speed from within. He teaches you how to use your imagination and create sounds to bring in more depth to your strength then ever before. His course is called CoreForce Energy which means not using just your abdominals or working out for hours on end but to create the center of your power to engulf that part of the brain that scientists say we only use 5% of. He helps you reach beyond that 5% and see how far it can go.

Now I have had the oppertunity to talk with him which was a feat for me in itself and he showed me a thing or 2 about this type of training and have used it just about all the time and its helped increase my coordinating and strength in many areas. Now to actually meet him would take a miracle because of his busy schedule and the timing to be with him would be almost impossible. Well, it just so happened he gave me an oppertunity to spend time with him and so on the last day of the road trip in Vegas I got to spend time with him in a near 4 hour span. He taught some of the most bizarre things to bring out the power within me yet I was just drawn to it and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. He showed me how to knock down a 300 pound dummy without using so much force and also showing what it feels like to be thrown around like a rag doll. First he's just over 200 pounds at 6' which is about average for a man that big but he was definitly not a small looking guy, he was bigger then I thought he was and has a good muscular physique. As for me being 5'10 around 240 pounds I look like a small Linebacker. That at all didn't mean a damn thing to him and he just tortured me by shoving me from different angles and getting a hold of me without warning and it was funny as hell but a lesson well learned.

I had a great time with him and hopefully someday I'll get that oppertunity again because I have so much more to learn. He also is one of the nicest sons of bitches I ever met and he really made me feel welcome. The way he walked through the session was just unreal and the things he showed me were unbelieveable. At the end of the session I didn't want it to end and he was just cool with everything he is that nice and he never stopped smiling which too many people don't in this world. When my dad picked me up to leave we stayed a little longer then we should've but none of us cared or even noticed and my dad got into what Garin does and when it was all over it felt like waking up from a dream but yet it was as real as you can get.

For the most part Garin seems like he doesn't get as many thank yous from people who have used his course because of many reasons and not only did I feel it was my duty as a student to thank him but just thanking him didnt mean much because it was far more then that but yet he gave me a new addition to how I want to stay strong for the things I want to accomplish and that i'm in debted to him. For the people who don't give him credit have no clue what its like to feel the surge within you to create something far beyond what you previously have done. Garin shows you how you can do that and how you can use it whenever you want. If Garin ever sees this I hope he knows that one session has changed me in a whole new light and for that my friend I salute you. Thank you for everything you have shown me and hope one day we get to do it again.

For those who wish to learn from this man I highly recommend him and he's worth more then you bargined for. Taken from someone who was actually there and took it a step further more then ever it is nothing you will ever experience again.

CoreForce Energy

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