Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Hope Everyone Had A Great Xmas

 I set a goal to turn off my phone back on Saturday to not only take a break from the social media stuff but to focus on more important things and not worry so much about what shit is going on in internetland. Last night at midnight I turned it back on and hey, still crap but got some cool messages from people. 

Got some great presents from amazing people but seeing the look on my girl's face when she saw what I got her was just priceless. As you know, we're Star Wars Nerds through thick and thin and have collected plenty of stuff over the 8 years we've been together including what we call the Chest Of Awesomeness where we store a few of our favorite collectibles. My gift this year for her was a (Repo) Autograph Framed Picture of a Empire Strikes Back Poster with the cast signed and since she's reliving her childhood recently with watching the original Charmed Series (1998-2006) I got her a Framed Picture of the original three women's Autograph. She was so lit up I should've taken a picture but it's just as beautiful in my memory.

For the most part over the weekend leading up to our day with each of her parents, mostly kept to myself and checking out documentaries, working out with my new toy and the dopamineo band. Just taking it "easy" mostly. Yesterday, we started Xmas with going to her mom's and spending a good portion of the day with her with my wife's brother and his daughter, watching the Raiders beat the Chiefs, having pancakes, watching them put together a Disney Puzzle that literally took the entire game for them to complete, kicked back, did an Isometric workout in the middle there and had a great time. 

Went home to chill for about a half hour and went up to her dad's up on the mountain behind us to finish off the festivities with tons of food including a kick ass pot roast his stepdaughter made and opened up presents. What I got was something I never thought I'd ever get or even thought about having in my lifetime. I won't say what it is but let's just say after learning a few things, you might see some really cool camera angles of my workout demos and workouts in the not too distant future. 

Overall, just having a great time with family and being with the love of my life is nothing short of awesome and fun. Hopefully you all had a great holiday weekend as well and was full of love, adventures, presents and plenty of food to scarf down. Now, it's time to get back on that horse and train with a vengeance to welcome the new year and set new goals so you can succeed in the endeavors you're in. Keep it up and don't forget to check out and grab a bad ass band for yourself or for your gym, client, school, group class or whatever with the Customized Bundle Deals and get an extra 10% OFF  by using my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT. Happy Holidays everyone and keep on being amazingly awesome. 

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