Last night, thought I'd go to the gym and get some Burpees in before dinner. Yeah it sounds contradictory because it's a bodyweight exercise and it can be done ANYWHERE but I figured, what the hell, go for a little walk down there and just do a good workout for about 15 min. No music, no noise, just good ole training.
I've gone back and forth for years doing Burpees and since it has been a while, might as well revitalize it and see where it leads. Not prioritizing it, just having a little fun with it. I did the Sprint 8 Protocol which is working for 30 Seconds On, 30 Seconds Off for 8 Rounds. Very demanding and puts you in great condition but it's not something to take lightly. Pay attention to form, technique and pace. It will bite you in the ass if you're not careful.
Most of the time, I don't give them much thought but a guy who just turned 70 recently did a variation called Navy Seal Burpees which are just brutal and for a man at that age to be doing them, was inspiring. I did the style with 2 Push-ups & a Jump. Not something I'd do everyday or even more than 3x a week, maybe do them no more than a couple times a week because they are so demanding on the body.
Until I can put the rest of my toys into a better storage space close by, use what works for the moment which is mainly bands, isometrics, bodyweight and some of the weights at the gym which really is more than enough for the majority, I just love my hammers, mace and Darth Vader Kettlebell so it'll be awesome to have them back soon.
That's the beauty of training, you learn to adapt and with proper knowledge, you can create workouts anywhere you want. Getting fit is not a one dimensional thing like needing a building and a bunch of random shit around, I look at it as what Doc Brown would say to "think 4th Dimensionally" and go beyond just a narrow minded outlook. The world is your gym, it's up to you how you make it work. Fitness is about taking the fundamentals and molding them into your journey, you learn, you study the environment around you and experiment with what is possible.
Burpees or their variations is just another tool in the arsenal, that's all they are. Like Sprints, Bands, Weights, even household stuff can be tools to make you stronger and better conditioned with creative thinking along with the understanding of the basics. There isn't an end-all-be-all exercise that can solve all your issues with getting fit, there's a bigger puzzle, you have the pieces and you put them together to create what's really there.
Hope everyone has an amazingly awesome day and get some solid training in.