Showing posts with label Affiliate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affiliate. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2023

The One Company I Shouldn't Have Been Involved With

 I've been an affiliate for years now and signed up with various companies starting with Logan Christopher and Legendary Strength. My first paycheck with that company was $10.48 and it was the most pivotal moment when it came to making money. I had worked other jobs outside of affiliate marketing before and got paid more but this was actually the one I'm most proud of because I got to make a few bucks promoting what I'm passionate about and I got to be under a very good friend who handed me the check himself.  Since then, there have been highs and lows but eventually I got around to making decent money and even sold some tickets to seminars and bundle packages. 

Over the years, I've worked with other people and companies such as Amazon, Onnit, Stronger Grip, Lifeline Fitness and others. I promote mainly fitness but I dabble in selling movies, cd's, books, equipment and many other things and I help others from time to time on what products to look for and help research. It makes me happy and I love what I do. I've made mistakes here and there and some companies shut their affiliate programs down for whatever reasons but always managed to keep on going. 

Most companies treated me well and I could do a pretty write up using their product in my articles and posts. I've never really had personal issues with them except maybe one other one and it was all on me and I take the heat for it. I made a crucial mistake that cost me thousands of dollars in commission but hey, you live to fight another day right? One company however pulled a 180 on me and once I found out what the owner was really like, it became clear that it was a mistake.

Over a year ago, I sent an application to this website ran by Rahul Mookerjee called 0 Excuses Fitness. I saw some of the ad copies for products like his Animal Course and Pull-up Book and his main one called Fast & Furious Fitness or the same title as his website. A lot of the ads were very Matt Furey-esque so I wanted to set that aside and try to look at things from another perspective. My application went by the wayside for a few months until he found it and we started exchanging emails. Figured this guy was ok and see where it went. I had asked him at least a couple times if he could send me a copy of one of his books so I can get a better idea on how to promote it and the website itself. It wasn't about wanting free product and then just ditch him, I gave him my word that I would promote the hell out of that book or books because I can't just go on an ad copy and paying for one of those books was steep as shit and I think he tried to do a discount thing with me but it was too little to even mean something.

A month goes by and we're exchanging emails and I'm promoting his stuff the best way I can with what I was allowed to go on. He even wrote a comment on my blog saying how well written one of the articles was on Push-Ups, here's what he said "Awesome article, Ben! I love your stuff - but you've got it spot on about pushups - exactly what I keep telling people (as you've read in my newsletters) about FORM etc. I can make 10 pushups harder than a 100 is not just an axoim, it's nigh TRUE. Crossfitters, kipping pull-ups - ugh. Kipping does have a place in the Army etc where you "get your body over the bar by any means possible" - but for pure strength and health (or the other way around, it should be) purposes - FORM! Well written!" 

Nothing was clicking and it didn't work out which happens sometimes and I have no real ill feelings towards the guy. I told him what I'm telling you now and we parted ways (or so I thought). I started reading his blog a bit more and signed up with his newsletter before all this happened and the more I looked into his style of writing, the more red flags started popping up and didn't think much of it until he completely went off the deep end and hammered the shit out of me verbally on his blog and on youtube. 

The first thing he posted up was a video talking about price wankers and all that and once I started reading between the lines, he was mouthing off about me. He even mentioned my name in later videos saying how fat I was and that I can't do pull-ups and I couldn't make a sale to save my life along the lines of being a cheap skate and wanting free product. I've never encountered that kind of bullshit before and it started becoming more and more obvious that he's a bit of a narcissist and a Misogynist that will hound anyone that doesn't agree with him. Weeks earlier, this guy said how well written I was and even used one of my pics to use for his Grip Training Course yet flips a 180 and starts telling his little flock all this negative crap that aren't true and even threw my wife in the mix and that I wasn't going to tolerate. I wrote to him personally many times without one single response. After a while I gave up on that.

Aside from the steep prices on his books (I get it he wants to make a ton of money but where does the line draw in that), I've seen samples of one of his books and the quality isn't all that good, I've seen shit courses but these kind of take the cake. He openly belittled his own wife even to the point of calling her a C-nt in a couple of his posts and the more he praises about himself, the less he cares about others and looking to make a buck off of cheap knock off writing and training styles that uses a lot of Matt Furey type sayings even by verbatim quotes he pawns off as his own. His inspirations are more of the steroid users and threw his own daughter under the bus a time or two. Him and his wife are now divorced from what I understand or at least separated and he continues to bitch about her. 

I did troll him, I'll be honest about that. Not my proudest moment and his blog is like a train wreck, you know it's wrong but you can't look away. In his videos, he demos many exercises, the majority of them are pull-ups which is his thing and I respect that. He has gone to great lengths to even bash me that I don't show workouts because I'm too fat or out of shape to do them yet he demos almost the same as me and rarely shows an actual workout that he can even perform decently in. I will say this, he's a hell of a promoter and loves putting himself over (in a very egotistical way) which is understandable but he's not really that special and most of the time, his camera angles suck and couldn't really do an arms extended push-up or a SAFE ab wheel rollout to save his life. He's good at pull-ups and does ok with certain push-ups but in all fairness, he's no pioneer, he doesn't do anything remotely positive to promote fitness and apparently doesn't do very well training at a park and people happen to interrupt him. I understand people are curious but even I have had encounters with people looking and even asked me a question or two but I would either keep on training or just smile and say a few words and keep going, no need to be an ass or talk shit behind their back, that's the coward's way in my opinion.

I do humbly regret signing up with him but it is what it is and I can almost guarantee you he'll read this because he's said it himself he reads my stuff without needing to mention my name and he's going to mention this in both his blog and youtube if not one or the other sooner or later. Again it's about reading between the lines and maybe he's got some fetish or looking for a way to promote himself to his cult-like following. Amazon has even dropped his ass and I've never seen that happen. I almost feel sorry for him. All in all, I really don't wish him ill harm and if what he does works and gives him a decent life, that's awesome and I truly do wish him the best. He most likely needs some psychological help and needs to get off his high horse and not be such a coward. He can talk shit all he wants, it just keeps proving who he is and I really hope he comes to grip with things. I just wanted to tell you my first hand experience with him. I'm a terrible liar and would out myself if it came down to it. Hell, he'll even claim he fired me which is not true, you can't fire someone who sent them an email basically being nice telling that person they quit. Anyway, be careful who you run into online and do some research first cause you never know if someone gives you the keys to the city and then turns around throwing you into the pit of blood with vampires. Be amazingly awesome and keep on training that gives you a reason to be your best self.      

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