Monday, December 4, 2023

Little Things While Under The Weather


Tis the season where snow falls and keeping up with maintenance in order to keep things flowing for the holiday season. Shoveled a few times and training hard to be ready for what lies ahead but certain things hit you in the ass and you got to adapt. Picked up a little cold with a sore throat and stuffy nose but it doesn't stop me from training. Whenever I do get sick, it may last a bit and wear me out a bit quicker than usual but I do what I can when it comes to training.

The last couple days have been slightly rough but you keep going. I rest when I need to and I do more micro workouts to keep the energy levels up. Isometrics and some step ups one day, exercises throughout the day yesterday doing exercises for a min each like Animal Moves, Rollouts, Wall Sit, Fist Flank and a few others. Today I started out with a total of 600 Reps of swinging the Indian Clubs and some stretching. Don't have a plan in mind of what to do next the rest of the day but at least I did something. My energy is better and the cold is dying down. 

Being sick is no fun and it makes it even worse when you have to go to work but you do what you can and rest up when an opportunity arises. You're no good to anybody if you can barely even move and you can't perform tasks some jobs require. For me, it's to continuing to find workouts regardless of what's going on with me. I've always told myself, the day I stop exercising is either when I'm in a coma, paralyzed from the neck down or I'm dead; if I can move in some capacity, I'm doing some kind of exercise. 

You won't always be able to go hard when you need to, sometimes life throws you curveballs or you have to back off a bit and do smaller forms of training and lessen the intensity but never stop training. As long as you keep things simple, you will find a way or you'll find a way to not do it, that's the choice you'll have to really put yourself in. You may not be as energetic or enthusiastic especially when your body needs some repairs and not making things worse. Isometrics are a great resource of exercise even when you're under the weather because you don't have to go very hard and even if you can only do 20% of your normal strength, you're still 75-95% ahead of everyone else who is laid up. Want ideas for great Isometric Training, check out Overcoming Isometrics, one of the very best books on the market today on the subject.

Be smart about your training, stay hydrated and be as healthy as you can be. If you're so sick that it's difficult to do anything, rest up, your training will be there when it's over when you can get your energy back. Some people don't have to be as crazy about training as I' Am and many others, we all have our ways of doing what we can and getting the most of what's possible. Some are just so out of it that training just isn't in the cards, it happens and there's no shame in it. If you can exercise while sick, keep it small. Keep being amazingly awesome. 

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