Friday, December 22, 2023

70 Pounds Of Fury

 Xmas is right around the corner and this year, one of the cool gifts I got was the 70 lb. Sandbell Pro. I've been wanting to increase the weight from my 50 lber that I've used for years now. It came yesterday and just immediately wanted to play with it. Even to go as far as doing a demo video showing what I can do off the bat including a one arm clean and press. You can view it below.....

I love testing my capabilities and seeing what's possible. With this bad boy that I call Beasty cause that's what it is, the possibilities to build strength and conditioning are only limited by the imagination. Carries, Bear Hugging, Slams, Presses, Curls or whatever I choose to come up can aid in my quest to get stronger. This thing is no joke and it can be a nasty bastard depending on what you do. 

Always said that training is about self discovery and disciplining yourself but also to make it interesting and consistent. Do you have to have a Sandbell, no you can always go cheaper and get a unfilled bag that fills up to 100 lbs and work things that way. I like the bells because they're just different and fun to use. For years now I've slammed, pressed, carried, squatted and other things for thousands upon thousands of total pounds moved and I'm going to continue with Beasty here. Sandbag Training is an old school form of strength training that works and is not meant to be easy. 

There are a lot of things you can do with Sandbells but the heavier you go, the more you prioritize which exercises are important to build strength because you can't do everything with a 70 as oppose to exercises with a 20 or so. It's strength that matters, not for the sake of looking good but to help others and being strong as you age. The older we get, the more reason to stay as strong as possible while still being mobile and flexible. You can be as strong as an ox but if you're stiff as a board and have bad joints, what's the point of having that strength? Not saying to go so heavy you wreck yourself but train to a capacity where you can go without sustaining injuries as much as possible and keeping the muscles, tendons and ligaments healthy. When it comes to Sandbag work, I probably wouldn't work with more than 100 lbs because there's no reason to keep going higher unless you want to challenge yourself. 

Sandbells are a lot of fun and they add a different variety to a training regimen than typical weights like a dumbbell, barbell or even kettlebell. They're safer in most regards and do many things just from one implement plus they wouldn't wreck the floor when you drop them or slam them. They can be great conditioning tools and can build some serious strength especially in your grip and your core. You don't need to be as crazy as me with this heavy of a bell, you can stop at 50 or 20 if you want but Sandbells are a great addition and has a boatload of exercises to choose from for anyone from a complete beginner to world class athletes. Get just one and see what you can do.  

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