Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Women And Dopa Training

 Sometimes just getting fit is more than enough for most women and staying fit can be even harder. With consistency, it is possible to not only be in awesome shape but to kick ass in other endeavors as well. My wife for example has lost 50 pounds doing gym work, eating better and doing amazing things in her own life. I'm beyond proud of what she has accomplished and continues to push herself to getting a little bit better, she may need some tips along the way but she's fierce and can do things that continue to surprise me.

For many women, it can be daunting to be in shape and worry about what things are missing so she has a good physique. Some train just to feel better, others for attention (booty shorts anyone?) and plenty to better themselves physically. Change is hard and no matter what you do, the results will come in unexpected ways at times. If I had to pick the top women right now to look for when it comes to fitness; it's Melody Schoenfeld (Ms. Ant Strong), Kirsten Tullock (The Scottish Superwoman), Tara Scott and a few others but these three are incredible at what they do when it comes to training people. 

Now with that said, when it comes to the Dopa Bands; women have another great option in getting in killer shape using a band that can be used in a variety of ways especially gym oriented workouts that can be done practically anywhere you can hook it up. From little girls to the over 40+ Cougars can use this thing to train their body that will blow most people's minds. Some of the best and brightest women in World & Olympic Wrestling use the bands as post practice tools to enhance their explosiveness, chain wrestling, throws, takedowns and utilize some serious strength. One 16 year old BJJ champ uses it to keep her conditioning at its peak and to increase her power for the guard and blocking submissions. 

Do you have to be a wrestler or an MMA Fighter to use the bands? Hell no, they can be done with exercises you do in the gym and then some with intensity and take up less time. You can do sprints, jump squats, running in place, rows, chest presses and other "isolated movements", I put the two words in quotes because although you're focused on specific muscle groups, those aren't the only ones without realizing it. I'm not going to lie, the band makes you work hard but it's also like a coach as it will tell you what you're doing right and wrong just by how the exercise feels and your positioning. 

What would you do if you not only got in bad ass shape physically but have the stamina, strength, flexibility and durability to go along with it? Women deserve to be in condition too and to be able to do bad ass things that you didn't think were possible. I want to see women of all ages thrive in their lives whether it's being a business woman, a mom, a trainer, a teacher, clerk or a god damn truck driver; you all deserve to be noticed for being you and not what some of society wants you to be. Although we are more open today than decades before, there are some people (mostly men but plenty of women too) who can't let go of those outdated conservative roles they expect women to just accept and not have a mind of their own. Shit one guy can't almost go without writing or going on youtube talking about his now ex wife, another who hates tattoos on women and says it makes them look ugly doesn't realize how dumb that is when two of his three daughters have tattoos (which are awesome btw), so by his logic without saying it out loud he's calling his own offspring ugly. 

From my own point of view on women, growing up seeing different personalities and behaviors, some take things to extremes, others are just as bad as us guys and some are freaking bad asses with a beautiful soul and a nurturing or take no shit demeanor. Women aren't as strong physically as us guys that is true in nature but that doesn't mean women don't have the right to become as strong as they possibly can (within reason and without the drugs) and be successful, many men today are intimidated by what women can do and that's the insecure little boy in them that was conditioned into their brains as kids. If you push certain buttons, there are women you don't want to mess with and not just when it comes to physically harming or protecting, they're far more intelligent than given credit for. Some men today (even some old school blue collar types) can't stand fit women who can lift and/or do amazing things athletically, their type is women who only need to walk to stay fit (pretty sexist and insecure if you ask me). 

Sometimes, I just want to acknowledge how amazing women are whether they're athletes or otherwise but the point I'm making is that women should be as fit as they need to be for whatever they do in life and have impacts that make them successful and strong. To excel takes work whether man or woman but training can have a positive notion that transfers into other areas. That's why the Dopa Band can be a huge asset to women who don't always have to go to the gym. Train anywhere, be a bad ass even if you're just starting out because you have opportunities to make something of yourself that will lead down a road of possibilities. 

Whatever your goals are, feel that fire within and have the strength of a Tigress or whatever your animal spirit is to push through your obstacles. Ladies, you got this and you've got great things headed your way, just look for them and they may show up unexpectedly. Get a Dopa Band and get in some of the most awesome workouts anywhere and shape yourself into the best fucking woman you can be. You can even get a workout in at the Las Vegas Welcome Sign. I see you and you can make it happen. Be amazingly awesome and don't forget that 10% Discount you can use when you enter the code POWERANDMIGHT. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good thing about bands is they only cost a few bucks and there are loads of free sites with workout ideas.

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