Monday, April 17, 2023

Combining Isometric Equipment For A Great Workout

 Isometrics can be done in so many ways that it's almost impossible to understand what's better when it comes to equipment or just your bodyweight. Right now I have three different things of Isometric Exercise Equipment that has more exercises than anybody knows what to do with: The Bullworker Iso Bow, The Worldfit Iso Trainer & The Transformetrics Isometric Power Belt. The Power Belt never really got off the ground because of the lack of reasons I'm not going to get into but it is a hell of a piece of equipment that you can take with you just about anywhere. The Iso Bow may not look like much but it packs a hell of a punch if you use it right and gives you a hell of a workout. The Iso Trainer is extremely versatile as it not only does Isometric Exercise but it can also be used as a Suspension Trainer that holds up to around 400 lbs so you can do pull-ups, dips, rows, one-legged exercises, Triceps Extensions, Twists and other things as well.

Yesterday, I worked on all three to get in a great workout doing exercises ranging from pulling apart, curls, squat, presses, bow and arrow, hybrid isometrics and others. It was one of the most fun Iso workouts in a while and felt like I got a lot done in a short amount of time. I've been leaning towards Isometrics in addition to Sprint Training which has helped me shed some fat lately and although I have a good road ahead of me, I'm already ahead of the curve. I will be showing results around next week in regards to achieving over 100 sprints since I started. 

All three of these pieces of equipment can fit into your bag and you've got an entire gym that weighs less than a few pounds. The only people that I know that have experimented with Isometrics far beyond most people were/are Bud Jeffries, Steve Justa, Zenkahuna and a few others. They practically wrote the book on what you can do with your imagination when it comes to Isometrics. There are authors who've written basic elements and a few creative ideas but these guys took Isometrics to heights that just can't be matched. With the exception of Matt Schifferle's Hybrid Isometrics which are very innovative, very few can match the amount of exercises you can come up with. 

From the days of Alexander Zass & Maxick to the overwhelming plethora of training modalities today, Isometrics are a timeless form of training that can be done in so many ways it's not possible to count all the exercises you can do when there's so much to be added onto. As long as you keep it basic, creative and just enough to work with, you can go a hell of a long way to getting strong, fit and keeping you interested for years on end. Isometrics are essential to a healthy life and reap more benefits than I care to count.

Sometimes one piece of equipment isn't enough because to me, it's not about expanding equipment per se, it's about expanding your horizons and creating workouts that hit those sweet spots that certain things may not hit. I'm not saying MORE is better, I'm saying that options can be a good thing. You don't need to try to build an entire gym in less than 300 square feet, just a few things that give you that edge and that are inexpensive without killing your budget. 

The closest thing to the Iso Power Belt I know of that can be used is the Iso-Loop but you can also utilize a strap from Strapworks which you can find on Amazon as well to use for the length you need to get the most out of your workouts and are very affordable as you can do DIY work. It's just as strong and durable. The Iso Bow is just a bad ass and yeah it's smaller but like I said before it packs a punch as you can do both isometrics and dynamic tension exercises. 

Get crazy strong using Isometrics and unlock some of the creative exercises you can come up with to achieve insane goals. In recent times, one guy who did Isometrics for the majority of his workouts got so freaking shredded that it took notice on the bodybuilding stage while being in his 60's. Richard Monoson is a chiropractor in Southern California that has one of the most intense physiques of a man at any age. His Isometric training is pretty basic but proves what it can do for your body regardless how old you are. Very humble man as well. 

Keep being amazingly awesome everyone and keep achieving your goals. 

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