Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Silly Rabbit Trix Are For Kids

 It is true, certain things are geared towards children and raise their levels of imagination and seeing some cool things. Until you grew up and still watch yet collect something like My Little Pony and you're a 50 year old man who hasn't seen the sun in 20 years. Having eaten Trix only a handful of times in my lifetime, it's safe to say I could go the rest of my days without eating it. We as a society develop certain aspects of entertainment and food towards a demographic that gets people excited or something to grab, the odd thing is, kids get toys and cool looking cereal boxes while adults get medication for every possible thing under the sun and whatever is wrong with them, they take something for it.

There's got to be something that's geared for everybody or at least a good amount of people that has spanned generations? Movement is something that's geared for everybody isn't it? I mean as a kid (at least a generation or two ago), we ran, went swimming, played out our favorite animals and didn't have a care in the world if we slipped off the slides, monkey bars or swings. What the hell happened? Being careful has become a little over the top and although I believe in being safe, I also believe in being able to explore and learn what your creativity is and seeing what it feels like to have an imagination and be able to move without being so damn analytical about everything.

When it comes to movement, the basics should be taught and build a foundation but after that, how you pursue it is up to you, find your way to master them to become better and getting creative with your skill set from those basics and progress through your own admission. We all progress differently and some are slower than others and some are faster and learn quicker but the principles are still there. What we haven't learned at least in today's world from a fitness standpoint is catering to an individual's abilities whether they're a beginner or advanced and what we are taught is the same curriculum and expected to progress the same way and follow along as if we know what the hell we're doing. 

We don't absorb as much as we did as a kid and wanting to explore new things in order to get better at the things we do in life. As we get older, we lose sight of what it's like to have an imagination and think creatively and cater to what we are told what works and what doesn't, become analytical and overthink with caution. You don't need to take extreme risks or measures to do cool shit but just a hint of courage and a bit of a backbone to take a chance on something that can develop skills and strength to move forward with life's obstacles. 

  It's one of the reasons why I love playing my animal dice game, it creates something for both worlds where I get to feel like a kid while at the same time strengthen my body and enjoy the feeling of crawling, jumping, balancing and more the way we were meant to do as human beings. I get to be all sorts of animals and play out cool scenarios in my head as I move. Other aspects of movement such as MovNat, Animal Flow, Ginastica Natural and even Yoga bring out the joys of being human and working towards building something greater than before. To be in condition for the long haul, strong when needed and agile like a kid. It's the enjoyment and exploration of the human spirit. We need to have that in our lives. A demographic is a specific group of people that is catered to, why not strive to have something catered to as many people as possible regardless of age, sex, creed or whatever?

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