Thursday, April 16, 2020

Care For A Stroll?

Even in the darkest of days, it's good to take a little walk and give your body some fresh air and the blood pumping. Walking is not only a healthy form of exercise but it gives your brain a little boost as well. Every now and then, I'd take a good stroll around the neighborhood for about a half hour to an hour or more and check out the cool houses, the beautiful trees surrounding the areas and getting a beautiful clear view of the Lake. It just puts me at ease and a way to just let everything go for a moment.

Yesterday however, I thought I'd take a different stroll but not around the neighborhood but in my driveway. I took out my Power Wheel, put on some Gardener's Gloves, strap myself in and started walking on my HANDS. This is a hell of an upper body conditioning workout in and of itself. Working everything from head to toe to try to keep balance and not fall off. I haven't done this in a while but it felt good just to test myself out a bit. Needed to take a break a time or two but that's what happens when you try to work your arms as if they were legs.

This really stresses the entire body, mainly the shoulders, arms and wrists. The strength and power you can possess if you did this often is incredible and the condition your core will be in is Epically beneficial as well. Walking in this manner takes incredible concentration and it will bite you in the ass if you don't have the right balance. The idea here is to develop incredible conditioning that lasts and gives you real world functional strength in the long-run. Take your time and as a beginner, just hold yourself up and learn how to balance yourself, take small steps and work your way up.

Be Safe, Stay Strong & Be Healthy.

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