Thursday, February 13, 2020

Enhancing Performance Using Breathing Techniques

"Deep Breathing Exercises alone, if done right, will make many a weak an strong and many a sick man well."- Farmer Burns (Catch Wrestler 1861-1937)

Everyday we take a breath and never really give it a second thought, it's our biggest thing to do in this life because without the breath, we'd be dead. Go weeks at a time a time, days without water but yet only last minutes without breathing, it is something we do take for granted.

When it comes to fitness, there are techniques to not make us perform better but recover better as well. In most mainstream training ideals, the breath is very little talked about and although you can move good weight, can't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Even the most conditioned fighters in the world at times can't last 3x5 min rounds in a fight so, what more can you do to keep up the endurance while reserving your strength?

When I was in high school, breathing techniques didn't really exist or weren't really even taught and I can move some weight but I couldn't run if my life depended on it and was always slow and having little to no endurance. Between 18-20 years old, I was in the gym learning on my own different ways to handle weights and did some circuit training but I still had no real stamina and just felt drained a lot of time. My warm-up was just walking to the gym which was about 15-16 minutes but by the time I got there, I felt like crap.

After my injuries and learning the exercises from Combat Conditioning, I started picking up on how to really breathe when I moved and as I got better and my reps were getting higher and higher, my endurance shot through the roof and my strength had a lasting effect, not just temporarily. I had far better cardio and lasting strength than I ever did in my teens and I felt like I can take on the world.

I wanted to learn more on how deep breathing or specific techniques helped increase my endurance and kept up my conditioning. Learned what chest breathing did, intercostal, diaphramic, holding the breath and others so I took what I felt was best and ran with it. Some of the very best techniques I learned were from Garin Bader's CoreForce Energy System and not only gave me a fun way to perform better but be able to do things outside of my workouts I never had before. Learning how to breathe in certain situations and putting mental imagery and sound-making with it made things quite interesting. I moved smoother, protected me from injuries, handle awkward movements and more.

When I was in Jiu Jitsu, I learned the hard way that the breath was more important than using my strength. After many years of training, I was good at breathing but focused more on how to use my strength and it bit me in the ass. I was winded moments after getting on the mat at first and I felt that something had to be done. I started letting my body relax a bit more and ore instead of using tension cause in some methods that was what was taught. Once I relaxed and used some of the CFE Techniques, 5 min rounds didn't feel as difficult, still got my ass kicked but the guys started to see what kind of strength I really possessed and had trouble putting me in some holds and even escaped a choke hold that was really clamped on.

I did some research on the Breath Of Fire and Diaphragmatic Breathing  that the Gracies used to keep themselves in awesome shape throughout a fight and practicing this techniques has opened another door in how I can perform better. It isn't an easy technique to learn but once I got used to it, it made my workouts better. I then started learning techniques from Matt Furey on how to relax even more to move faster without using so much tension if any. I used these techniques recently with the Matt Furey Exercise Bible and even with doubling the squats, I finished the deck in 35 minutes which was the fastest I have ever done with those specific exercises and didn't feel winded or tense.

There are some techniques that just don't work for some people and I have found even after one practice that certain aspects of chest breathing or intercostal breathing just freaking suck. I have found that the better you can relax, the better you can perform in most cases, yes you need tension in some forms of exercise like olympic weightlifting or powerlifting, things of that nature but in performing or moving throughout everyday life, the less you have unnecessary tension, the better you will be.

To learn more on the phenomenal methods of breathing, check out these courses......

Upgrade Your Breath

CoreForce Energy

Introduction to Qigong Exercise for Beginners with Lee Holden

7 Minutes of Magic: Recharge Your Body Each Day with Qi Gong


Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Another good post Ben,you are doing the right kind of training, and you are looking more solid on your recent photos. I know you don't do much boxing training, but a boxing instructor I know says you have a functional build to be good at it if you wanted to try an amateur bout and you would have obvious endurance ( some big guys don't) to throw the hands. But he said if you are happy doing what you do, don't risk the health damaging effects of stepping in the ring and I agree with him ( those bullying sewer dwellers at the Asshole Mongo Men forum must have been punched in the head a lot, that would explain their brain damaged rantings!😁 ).
I've found that punching the bag in-between sets of exercises ( I don't use weights ) has helped my breathing a lot. And deep breathing Kung Fu type exercises are effective.
But they wont help us see through curtains and walls like Asshole Mongo Man MACKY claims his Tai Chi will do, or for that matter turn us into a tub of fat like woman beater PARKERSTAR AKA PARKERSHIT💩 / PORKERSHIT 💩 LOL!
Keep training and stay positive Ben, remember gain strength from the negativity of sad, old, jealous,demented losers.

Ben Bergman said...

Thank you very much bro, I appreciate it and tell your boxing coach thank you as well. If I ever did do boxing training it be for conditioning purposes and not for fighting. I'd rather get tapped out than knocked out. At least with tapping you can get back up (unless the guy tears your ankle lol) but getting knocked in the head can be more damaging later in life. Getting better little by little each time and having fun with it.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Keep up the MMA Ben, as well as the self defence aspects of it it's also an excellent way to test the effectiveness of the functional strength your training is building. Who cares how much weight some meathead bodybuilder can raise above his steroid head?😁
Talking of Meatheads, that sewer dweller over at the Asshole Mongo Men forum, the woman beater known as PARKERSTAR AKA PARKERSHIT💩 /PORKERSHIT💩 seems to have had a bad weekend if his latest obsessive rantings against your good self are anything to go by ( put photos and videos of your fat, woman beating, bloated body up PARKERSHIT💩if you are so macho! ), maybe this Ted Bundy fan is annoyed because all the woman are running away from him!
They run from him here, they run from him there.those females run from the fat woman beating PARKERSTAR💩everywhere!
Why oh why would we even care, if for all the ladies sake PARKERSHIT💩the fat, loser, woman beater fell down the stair? LOL.
You are obviously doing something right to annoy this turd so much Ben.Remember dude, use his obsessive hatred to give you the strength to improve.
Keep training buddy.

Anonymous said...

Weirdo beta, I don't like Porker either but what is the evidence of him being a, "woman beater?"

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

All the females who say they have been beaten by him.Now go back to.the sewer, PARKERSTAR💩

Anonymous said...

What city is that then ?

Anonymous said...

Weirdo, you appear to be everything you supposedly despise. Calling a man a woman beater without evidence is wrong. Attacking a man because of the way he grieves for his deceased wife is wrong. Seek help.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Hey beta boy, tell your buddies at the Asshole Mongo Men forum to lay off Benny and his wife and relatives, and to stop saying he lives in his mom's basement and all the vile homophobic abuse you are bullying him with.
What's wrong you pathetic little man, don't you bully's like to get a taste of your own medicine? The only way to fight bullying scum like you is to post TRUTHS about you all. Of course you hypocrite bullys all start screaming and playing the "victim" when that happens, typical shitty bully reaction.
If "poor" MACKY can't stand the heat he shouldn't play in the kitchen should he? And if he is such a"sensitive soul" why does he post his vile, bigoted, bullying rantings against people. Ben has done nothing to you dog turds but you constantly target him don't you? Post videos and photos of yourselves if you are such marvelous physical specimens.
Now crawl back to that sewer of a forum, you vile bucket of shit.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

The bully's are feeling a bit like their victims now Ben.
Keep training buddy, stay strong and focused.

Anonymous said...

So which city is that then ?
You don't even know what country he's in do you ?

Anonymous said...

Weirdo, the vile crap they makeup about Ben is wrong and evil. I asked you for evidence of Porker abuse and you gave none. Quite honestly I was hoping that there was evidence because that piece of poop has been stinking up the Net for years.

I don't know too much about Macky other than what he puts out on Shen's forum. I only know about how he grieves for his dead wife from you. It just seems out-of-bounds to mock anyone's way of grieving for a loved one.

Finally, I'm not now nor have I ever been a member of the Asshole Man Munching forum.

Good Day.

Ben Bergman said...

Hey guys, I humbly appreciate you standing up for me and letting me know you care about what I do and the assholes who give me a rough time but come on now, topic is getting out of hand and it's not pertaining to the articles here. Honestly yes, those guys over at AMM need a reality check and can go fuck themselves or each other which ever suits their fancy. They have no place here and they need a firm grasp of reality.

They're troubled souls who's purpose in life is to just talk shit about Peterson, me and whoever was/is on his forum. John deep down is his own worst enemy I'll agree to that. Whether Parker is a wife beater is irrelevant to this blog and if it is true, he doesn't deserve to be around anyone and live out his life in a dark woods somewhere, for Macky, if that's how he wants to live and seek out his passed on wife, it's his choice, not the best one and we grieve in our way whether it lasts weeks or years, now if he carried her ashes around everywhere he goes, that's just plain creepy. They get on my ass cause as I said before, they got nothing better to do and murder the 1st amendment and be miserable pricks with tiny dick syndrome (more like microscopic). Again thank you for your support, let's do our best to be more positive and learn from one another and I always welcome feedback.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Anonymous - maybe you could put as much effort into posting on the Asshole Mongo Men forum ( I still believe you are one of them, possibly PARKERSTAR💩 himself, and you all can't take a taste of your own medicine ) and telling them what distugsting, twisted, and bigoted sewer dwelling dicks they all are?
As for "poor" MACKY he been remarried for many years, and you think his "grieving" would have given him a bit of sensitivity to not endlesly bully people online with the rest of his pathetic little sycophants wouldn't you?
As for PARKERSTAR💩 AKA PARKERSHIT💩 PORKERSHIT💩 I'm not going to reveal the abused females locations for their own protection and privacy, they have suffered enough, and no doubt PARKERSTAR would have buddies who may go and give them further trouble if I was to give clues to them,as bully's and their buddies are known to behave.
As for MACKY and his claims that his wife is communicating with him, and his practice of Tai Chi enables him to see through walls, can you imagine how they would have mocked Ben on their vile little forum if he had made such claims?

Jake said...

Weirdo' ,You are saying Parker has friends who will beat up women for him,but he has forgotten what country he lives in ?
You made 76 posts on AMM in 3 weeks as,"Uncles With No Photos" attacking Peterson and Ben.You attacked Ben a lot.Then Macky challenged your anti semitism and you went into a rant and claimed to be in a secret society and left their forum.'s%20with%20no%20photos
Parker said nice stuff about Solytrain and Joseph Greenstein and looks like he read a book on Qabalah,so you probably think he's jewish.
It is obvious what your agenda is and it isn't protcting Ben,who doesnt need your protection anyway.
You're disgusting and your anti semitism,lies and mocking of a man's grief make that clear.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

So now the bullies are really crying "victim"! You freaks really can't take a taste of your own medicine can you?
Your hatred for Ben is all over that pathetic little forum of yours, especially from the turd known as PARKERSTAR AKA PARKERSHIT 💩/ PORKERSHIT💩,so what will you do now, delete all the EVIDENCE of that hate?
No idea who this "Uncle's" is but it was obvious they were baiting you to get more bigotry and hatred out from you freaks in your postings, anybody with any intelligence can see they were dangling a carrot to you, and you snapped it up! It was a clever tactic, what is sometimes known as a " PSY-OP", it certainly made you evil,bigoted,bullying bastards show even more of your vile agenda.
Don't think playing the race will make me shut up, because it won't, and here's the thing I myself am JEWISH so fuck off with the anti-Semitism tactic of keeping me silent.
MACKY isn't so sensitive when he is mocking Ben and his wife and relatives is he? And if Ben would have made the bizzare claims about communicating with his dead wife and Tai Chi enabling him to see through curtains you scum at Asshole Mongo Men forum would have been relentlessly mocking him.
Now realise this PARKERSHIT💩( yes, I know that's you ) the days of you bullying other people because of your own inadequacy and behaviour are over. I will not be silenced, and I'll keep supporting Ben, who has done you shitheels no harm.
So crawl back to your sewer of a forum PARKERSHIT💩

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ben, "...let's do our best to be more positive..."

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

I agree, I will not mention those turds at that forum, however I do still monitor that pathetic forum to see if they are still using bullying and bigotory as their way of getting their sicko kicks, and if they carry on with their illness I'll give them a spoonful of TRUTH medicine again.
As can be seen from Ben's latest posts he is making excellent progress and getting results that show (congratulations Ben ), staying positive while having to deal with those assholes bullying, bigotry, and stalking.
Let's all keep training and using their weakness as our strength.

Anonymous said...

Yes Weirdo' is clearly mentally ill stop poking him.

Big Bruv is a weirdo beta. said...

Go away PARKERSHIT💩, you are getting boring now. How a Ted Bundy fan like yourself can have the chutzpah to call somebody else mentally ill is laughable!
Now go back to your sewer of a forum with the rest of the bullys and bigots and stalkers.

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