Friday, September 13, 2019

A Deck Of Cards Workout For The Wild Ones

Boredom can often happen in your fitness journey, so it's time for a change and get the most out of your workout without going through the same exercises in a row. When you get the opportunity to create a variety of workouts that are challenging but have a fun theme to it, it could amplify your results and get you fit in a very short amount of time.

I love training using a deck of cards, one of my favorites years ago was doing Matt Furey's Exercise Bible where you take 4 of his Combat Conditioning exercises and go through the deck using variations that best suit you. Usually it took up to 45 minutes for me to complete it even at a good clip and did it quite often. It's tough and can take down even a world class athlete but there are other variations of a deck of cards workout that you can do; Push-ups & Squats, adding pull ups and burpees, Jumping Jacks & Mountain Climbers ect. Choose from 2-4 exercises that give you a whirl. If it's too much for you in the beginning, start with as many cards as you can and build up to a full deck.

What really cooks me the most and keeps me interested is doing the deck using Animal Movements. Within 20-30 minutes I'm just ready to die yet feel amazing at the same time. I take 4 Animal Movements and go from there using 2 Upper & 2 Lower Body Exercises and work my ass off until that deck is completed. My fastest time in one workout was just over 18 minutes.

Most make the mistake of thinking Animal Moves is just a warm up or for kids when in fact, it takes the concept of world class conditioning and enduring strength that keeps you fit without needing any special equipment. This can have a profound effect on MMA Fighters, Amateur/Pro Wrestlers, Football Players, Hockey Players, Soccer Players and many other sports. This kind of workout develops the upper body in a sense where when you're in continuation of using Crawling movements, you're getting the idea of moving as if your arms were legs. Imagine the long term strength you can have from doing this.

It doesn't take very long and will get you breathing hard fast which can help burn calories even after the workout. When you work the legs, it not only conditions them but also gives you explosive strength, flexibility, agility and strengthens the joints without being high impact. Also builds lung power for those long stretches into a match or a game that gives you an advantage over your opponent by having you tire them out. In sports, being in condition is your greatest asset as you have just that amount left in the tank that really determines a win or a loss.

Many athletes have used the deck as a foundational workout such as Ray Lewis from the Baltimore Ravens, 16 time World Champion Ric Flair, Military Men & Women and others. It's fun, its fast and great for people of all ages. Kids can get a kick out of it and won't see it as a workout but as a game. Can be used in Boot Camps, conditioning in your Martial Arts Classes, Groups, One on One and see who finishes first, Training Camps or at a park & hotel room. Get the most out of it and have fun with it.

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