Monday, July 8, 2019

Step Ups: An Alternative To Running

Some people love to run or jog, it can be meditative, often times a way to escape and get into a better state of mind, but it does have consequences. A good run is one thing and doing so for a few miles is more than enough for most people but if you push it too long/hard it can put a damper on your joints and can cause knee problems. 

I was never much of a runner and with the way my shins and ankles are, running is not a great option or exercise. I have known people who do a lot of running and one of them i'm related to and she runs like a madwoman. Running can be good to a degree in the sense where you're not putting your joint health at risk and tearing ligaments from overstraining or putting too much stress. 

Many use running as a form of cardio which can be good but can only take you so far and if you do exclusively, you're missing out on incredible other forms of exercise that has a safer alternative to your cardio/muscular conditioning. I've been doing Step-Ups lately and the few times I've done them, it's given me a hell of a cardio workout that does better for me than running on a treadmill or a track. I got the idea from learning more about Bob Backlund, the famous world champion wrestler from the late 70's to the early 80's.

I had written before about Backlund doing Step-Ups & The Ab Wheel as a means for developing awesome conditioning. He was an avid runner in his day to get great cardio for keeping up in the ring but once he found out about the Harvard Step Test, he was off and running with it (no pun intended). Once he transitioned to this exercise, his cardio shot through the roof and was considered as one of the best conditioned athletes in his prime. 

It's a simple exercise but a very effective one that builds the legs to last in the long haul and has a safer application on the knee joints and ankles. One workout I've been doing lately is Backlund's workout but alternating back and forth between the wheel and the step ups. 15 min non-stop is a hell of a workout and is a great start to see where your condition is at. How long I'll keep at it that remains to be seen but when I get the urge, I do what I can. 

How high of a step do you need for it to be effective? I don't think you'll need one where your step goes higher than a couple inches past your navel point. This is because you don't want to overextend or put too much flexion on the hip joint because although the legs are strongest in the body, your joints need to be strong too and exercised with safety. So a good 10-14 inches is more than enough but depending on your height and the health of your joints go accordingly. 

How many reps do you need to do to get an effective workout? This can vary from person to person depending on timing, the amount your body can go with and what the goal is. With my superset of step ups and the wheel, I would do 20 step-ups (10 per leg) at a time and do as many rounds as possible without stopping in the time I put up. In the 15 minutes, I would do close to 10 rounds which totals up to a couple hundred step-ups which is pretty decent but if I just did the step-ups alone for 15 min straight, I could probably do more than 300 if I really pushed it. It all depends.

So if you want to use a safer alternative to running and still want to get cardio in just about anywhere, go with step-ups and see what's possible for you. Backlund was known for doing step-ups for more than an hour on a consistent basis. That puts him in elite class when it comes to conditioning and was doing this past the age of 40, 50 and 60. He once did step-ups for a period of 8 hours with a small break in between, that just puts him in a universal class, not just world class. You don't need to go that long to get the benefits, a good half hour is more than enough. Any more, that's up to you.

Get in shape the best ways possible and the simpler it is, the better off. 

Here's a good step up implement you can use at home.... 

Have an amazingly awesome day. 

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