Monday, July 22, 2019

Having Fun In The Great Outdoors

From Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning, me, the wife and her bestie went for a nice camping trip up here in Idaho. Haven't camped in 3 years so it was nice to get away from civilization for a couple days. The bestie's boyfriend came up the next morning to join us.

Sitting by the fire, shooting the breeze, taking a dip in the creek and chopping some wood to help get the fire going was just one of those things you can't help but love. Got in some Isometrics and deep breathing down by the creek and just letting nature sink in. Just felt happy.

Had a little trouble getting the tent up the first night but managed and got it going, didn't have the best sleep but hey, it's the woods, you never know what's lurking amongst the trees lol. Because of my hammer training, it gave me some good solid strength to chop some fine wood. Me and Shel Mac took turns chopping various parts of wood for our girls and plus it gave me something to do since it's one of those natural workouts that is very rewarding.

Second night was just a blast, doing practically nothing but laughing, eating and being entertained by our friend's dog which is part Wolf. Creek was pretty damn cold but I didn't care, it felt invigorating and peaceful. With the deep breathing or rhythmic breathing, I was able to stay in that beautiful clear water for a good period of time. Getting away from the city can be a major reset and let yourself relax and enjoy kick ass company.

One of the best moments was our last morning and while having breakfast, a baby moose was running down the creek and turned toward our camp, was only 30 yards away if that from our spot and headed up the road. The third time in my life I've seen moose and you don't know how big they truly are until you see them practically in close proximities, even the babies are big bastards.

Have fun with the people you love and make the most out of a trip that can bring you great joy and happiness. Nature is your gym; chop some wood, carry it, swim in the river/creek/lake, pick up big rocks, climb a tree, do wall sits on a tree, walk in unknown terrain and most of all, have a blast.

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