Thursday, March 14, 2019

Animal Flow + Ginastica Natural= Playful Movement

Sometimes in our training, we want to have those days where rep & set schemes don't matter and just have a little fun. It's like playing hooky but from a fitness point of view. If that is the case, I just about play hooky very frequently. Routines for me don't matter as much as it does to others.  I'm a kid at heart and although I take training seriously, you want to make an adventure out of it too.

One of the reasons why I love the way Animal Flow works is that you can be spontaneous and come up with flows and combos you never expect to do, sure you learn how the movements go but after getting the basics down, what's stopping you from creating some cool moves on your own? Ginastica Natural has that same effect, it comes from different disciplines including Yoga, Gymnastics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Animal Style movements. I love watching the master of this method at work and get a kick out of the scene from Choke where Rickson Gracie just flows through exercises and his breathing is incredible.

When you combine 2 very awesome methods, the sky's the limit and you can create so many things out of it and never be bored. It's playful movement at its finest and molding it to your abilities and creativity is just the tip of the iceberg man. Play opens up the brain and gives you the opportunity to be creative and doing something that is challenging but exciting, even eventful for that person.

It is so beautiful to see what possibilities are out there and be able to do it anytime and anywhere makes it all worthwhile. One of my favorite videos is of GN's Master Instructor Alvaro Romano is when it portrays him doing different animals and breezing through them in the jungle of Brazil. It is almost majestic yet breathtaking. Very cool video to check here.... If you want to learn the basics, go here and the DVD versions are pretty cool too as they take you through routines in a group like format.

Animal Flow has similarities to GN but focus on other components into a style that incorporates Capoeira, Gymnastics, Breakdancing & Animals. You take in exercises based on more animal specific movements and switching them out into combos, freestyle, ect.

Make it adventurous and share your progress, no matter how big or small. Be encouraging and open up your wild side. People love to see creativity at work, it's inspiring.

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